Beste / mest relevante utgivelser
h5-indeksen er h-indeksen for artikler som er utgitt de siste 5 hele årene. Det er det største h-tallet, slik at h-artikler som er utgitt 2018-2022 har minst h sitater hver.skjul
h5-medianen for en utgivelse er mediantallet for sitater for artiklene som utgjør h5-indeksen dens.skjul
1.Educational Psychology Review71116
2.Journal of Educational Psychology67108
3.Contemporary Educational Psychology6090
4.Learning and Individual Differences5477
5.Journal of School Psychology5280
6.Journal of Counseling Psychology5176
7.Educational Psychologist47102
8.Educational Psychology4576
9.Psychology in the schools4562
10.British Journal of Educational Psychology4465
11.Social Psychology of Education4459
12.School Psychology Quarterly4267
13.Journal of Counseling & Development3461
14.School Psychology Review3353
15.School Psychology3155
16.School Psychology International3146
17.Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment2936
18.Professional Counselor2637
19.Metacognition and Learning2541
20.Contemporary School Psychology2536
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