상위 저작물
h5 색인은 지난 5년간 발표된 문서의 h-색인으로, h는 2018-2022년에 발표된 h개 문서 각각의 최소 인용횟수를 나타냅니다.숨기기
저작물의 h5-중앙값은 h5-색인을 구성하는 문서 인용횟수의 중앙값입니다.숨기기
1.Computers & Education147223
2.Journal of Business Ethics136192
3.Nature Human Behaviour114196
4.Business Strategy and the Environment105154
5.Social Science & Medicine105144
6.New Media & Society103169
7.Land Use Policy103130
8.Energy Research & Social Science102151
9.Research Policy101152
10.American Journal of Public Health95151
11.Current Issues in Tourism94143
13.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management92144
14.Education and Information Technologies91125
15.Global Environmental Change90132
16.Resources Policy89124
17.Teaching and Teacher Education88142
18.Health Affairs87142
19.British Journal of Educational Technology86110
20.Annals of Tourism Research85133
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