Roberta Signini
Roberta Signini
Docente do ensino superior, Universidade Estadual de Goías
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Optimization of carboxymethyl chitosan synthesis using response surface methodology and desirability function
AL Bukzem, R Signini, DM Dos Santos, LM Lião, DPR Ascheri
International journal of biological macromolecules 85, 615-624, 2016
On the preparation and characterization of chitosan hydrochloride
R Signini, SP Campana Filho
Polymer Bulletin 42, 159-166, 1999
Extração, estruturas e propriedades de alfa-e beta-quitina
SP Campana-Filho, D Britto, E Curti, FR Abreu, MB Cardoso, MV Battisti, ...
Química Nova 30, 644-650, 2007
Microwave-assisted carboxymethylation of cellulose extracted from brewer's spent grain
DM dos Santos, A de Lacerda Bukzem, DPR Ascheri, R Signini, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 131, 125-133, 2015
Extraction, structures and properties of alpha-and beta-chitin
SP Campana-Filho, D Britto, E Curti, FR Abreu, MB Cardoso, MV Battisti, ...
Química Nova 30, 644-650, 2007
Características e propriedades de quitosanas purificadas nas formas neutra, acetato e cloridrato
R Signini, SP Campana Filho
Polímeros 11, 58-64, 2001
Efeito de aditivos na desacetilação de quitina
SP Campana Fº, R Signini
Polímeros 11, 169-173, 2001
Purificação e caracterização de quitosana comercial
R Signini, SP Campana Filho
Polímeros 8, 63-68, 1998
Sorghum straw: Pulping and bleaching process optimization and synthesis of cellulose acetate
JAA Alves, MDL Dos Santos, CC Morais, JLR Ascheri, R Signini, ...
International journal of biological macromolecules 135, 877-886, 2019
Inhibition of bacterial biofilms by carboxymethyl chitosan combined with silver, zinc and copper salts
RC Gonçalves, DP da Silva, R Signini, PLF Naves
International journal of biological macromolecules 105, 385-392, 2017
On the stiffness of chitosan hydrochloride in acid-free aqueous solutions
R Signini, J Desbrieres, SP Campana Filho
Carbohydrate polymers 43 (4), 351-357, 2000
On the sonication of chitin: effects on its structure and morphology and influence on its deacetylation
M Barreto Cardoso, R Signini, SP Campana-Filho
Polymer Bulletin 47, 183-190, 2001
Soybean hulls: Optimization of the pulping and bleaching processes and carboxymethyl cellulose synthesis
PJR Barros, DPR Ascheri, MLS Santos, CC Morais, JLR Ascheri, ...
International journal of biological macromolecules 144, 208-218, 2020
Design of apolar chitosan-type adsorbent for removal of Cu (II) and Pb (II): An experimental and DFT viewpoint of the complexation process
CL Vieira, FOS Neto, VH Carvalho-Silva, R Signini
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (3), 103070, 2019
Sorghum straw: Pulping and bleaching process optimization and synthesis of cellulose acetate
JA Andrade Alves, MD Lisboa dos Santos, CC Morais, ...
International journal of biological macromolecules, 2019
Effects of sonication on the reactivity of chitin toward its heterogeneous deacetylation
SP Campana-Filho, R Signini, MB Cardoso
International Journal of Polymeric Materials 51 (8), 695-700, 2002
Carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogel formulations enhance the healing process in experimental partial-thickness (second-degree) burn wound healing
RC Gonçalves, R Signini, LM Rosa, YSP Dias, MC Vinaud, RS Lino
Acta cirurgica brasileira 36 (3), e360303, 2021
Propriedades e aplicações de quitosana
SP Campana Filho, R Signini, MB Cardoso
Revista Processos Químicos 1 (2), 9-20, 2007
Characteristics and properties of purified chitosan in the neutral, acetate and hydrochloride forms
R Signini, SP Campana Filho
Polímeros 11, 58-64, 2001
Effects of additives and inert gas bubbling on the deacetylation of chitosan
SP Campana-Filho, R Signini
International Journal of Polymeric Materials 51 (8), 701-709, 2002
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Artigos 1–20