Thiago Souto Mendes
Thiago Souto Mendes
DSc., Professor of Computer Science, Federal Institute of Bahia, DCC UFBA
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Identification and management of technical debt: A systematic mapping study
NSR Alves, TS Mendes, MG De Mendonça, RO Spínola, F Shull, ...
Information and Software Technology 70, 100-121, 2016
Towards an ontology of terms on technical debt
NSR Alves, LF Ribeiro, V Caires, TS Mendes, RO Spínola
2014 sixth international workshop on managing technical debt, 1-7, 2014
Software evolution visualization: A systematic mapping study
RL Novais, A Torres, TS Mendes, M Mendonça, N Zazworka
Information and Software Technology 55 (11), 1860-1883, 2013
Technical debt and agile software development practices and processes: An industry practitioner survey
J Holvitie, SA Licorish, RO Spínola, S Hyrynsalmi, SG MacDonell, ...
Information and Software Technology 96, 141-160, 2018
Investigating the link between user stories and documentation debt on software projects
HF Soares, NSR Alves, TS Mendes, M Mendonça, RO Spinola
2015 12th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations …, 2015
Impacts of agile requirements documentation debt on software projects: a retrospective study
TS Mendes, MA de F. Farias, M Mendonça, HF Soares, M Kalinowski, ...
Proceedings of the 31st annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 1290-1295, 2016
SkyscrapAR: An augmented reality visualization for software evolution
R Souza, B Silva, T Mendes, M Mendonça
Proceedings of 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization (WBVS 2012 …, 2012
Adoption and suitability of software development methods and practices
SA Licorish, J Holvitie, S Hyrynsalmi, V Leppänen, RO Spínola, ...
2016 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 369-372, 2016
VisMinerTD: An open source tool to support the monitoring of the technical debt evolution using software visualization
TS Mendes, DA Almeida, NSR Alves, RO Spínola, R Novais, M Mendonça
VisminerTD: a tool for automatic identification and interactive monitoring of the evolution of technical debt items
TS Mendes, FGS Gomes, DP Gonçalves, MG Mendonça, RL Novais, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 25, 1-28, 2019
Investigating the point of view of project management practitioners on technical debt: a preliminary study on stack exchange
F Gomes, EP Santos, S Freire, M Mendonça, TS Mendes, R Spínola
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technical Debt, 31-40, 2022
Technical debt on agile projects: Managers’ point of view at stack exchange
EP Santos, F Gomes, S Freire, M Mendonça, TS Mendes, R Spínola
Proceedings of the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 1-9, 2022
Repositoryminer-uma ferramenta extensivel de mineração de repositorios de software para identificacao automatica de divida tecnica
T Mendes, R Novais, M Mendonca, L Carvalho, F Gomes
CBSoft 2017-Sessao de Ferramentas, 2017
Investigating the Point of View of Project Management Practitioners on Technical Debt-A Study on Stack Exchange
F Gomes, E Santos, S Freire, TS Mendes, M Mendonça, R Spínola
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 11 (1), 12: 1-12: 15, 2023
Uma análise da relação entre code smells e dívida técnica auto-admitida
FGS Gomes, TS Mendes, RO Spínola, M Mendonça, M Farias
Anais do VII Workshop de Visualização, Evolução e Manutenção de Software, 25-32, 2019
Requirements Engineering Issues Experienced by Software Practitioners: A Study on Stack Exchange
S Freire, F Gomes, L Barbosa, TS Mendes, G Reges, RSP Maciel, ...
International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for …, 2023
Bisoprolol‐induced thrombocytopenia: A case report.
F Mousinho, T Mendes, P Sousa e Santos, AP Azevedo, G Mousinho, ...
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics 43 (2), 2018
On Comment Patterns that are Good Indicators of the Presence of Self-Admitted Technical Debt and those that Lead to False Positive Items.
M Farias, TS Mendes, MG Mendonça, RO Spínola
AMCIS, 2021
Visminertd: Uma ferramenta para identificação automática e monitoramento interativo de dıvida técnica
TS Mendes, DP Gonçalves, FG Gomes, R Novais, RO Spınola, ...
Technical Debt on Agile Projects: Managers' point of view at Stack Exchange.
EP dos Santos, FG de Souza Gomes, S Freire, MG Mendonça, ...
SBQS, 20:1-20:9, 2022
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Artigos 1–20