Maria João Maia
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Citado por
Learning to do responsible innovation in industry: six lessons
I Van De Poel, L Asveld, S Flipse, P Klaassen, Z Kwee, M Maia, ...
Journal of Responsible Innovation 7 (3), 697-707, 2020
Assistive technologies: social barriers and socio-technical pathways
L Nierling, M Maia
Societies 10 (2), 41, 2020
Supporting RRI uptake in industry: A qualitative and multi-criteria approach to analysing the costs and benefits of implementation
A Porcari, D Pimponi, E Borsella, P Klaassen, MJ Maia, E Mantovani
Assessment of Responsible Innovation, 117-144, 2020
Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A comparison of four European countries with regards to assistive technologies
T Bratan, P Fischer, M Maia, V Aschmann
Societies 10 (4), 74, 2020
Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities: Study. Current and Emerging Technologies
E Mordini, L Nierling, G Wolbring, MJ Maia, T Bratan, L Capari, J Čas, ...
European Parliament, 2018
Assistive technologies for people with disabilities
L Nierling, MJF Maia, L Hennen, G Wolbring, T Bratan, P Kukk, J Cas, ...
Part III: Perspectives on Assistive Technologies Study, 2018
Assistive technologies for people with disabilities-Part II: Current and emerging technologies
N Linda, M Maia, L Hennen, G Wolbring, T Bratan, P Kukk, J Cas, ...
Technical Report, European Parliamentary Research Service, Scientific …, 2018
Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities—Part III: Perspectives, Needs and Opportunities
L Nierling, M Maia, T Bratan, P Kukk, J Cas, L Capari, J Krieger-Lamina, ...
Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA), LU, Study, 2018
Competências para a Tomada de Decisão na Radiologia: uma abordagem de Avaliação de Tecnologia
M Maia, A Moniz
XIV Encontro Nacional de SIOT - Emprego e Coesão Social - da crise da …, 2011
Decision-making process in radiology: the magnetic resonance example in the TA context
MJ Maia
Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies 7, 75-101, 2011
User types, psycho-social effects and societal trends related to the use of consumer health technologies
MF Baumann, N Weinberger, M Maia, K Schmid
Digital Health 9, 20552076231163996, 2023
Assistive Technologies for people with Disabilities
E Mordini, L Nierling, G Wolbring, MJ Maia, T Bratan, L Capari, J ˇCas, ...
Part II: Current and emerging technologies, 2018
Bürgerwissenschaftliche Forschungsansätze in Medizin und Gesundheitsforschung: Ausgewählte Begriffe mit Fokus auf den Beteiligungsgrad
G Hammel, S Woll, M Baumann, C Scherz, M Maia, B Behrisch, ...
TATuP-Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 30 (3 …, 2021
Technology and the creative disruption of health care
M Maia
TATuP-Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 25 (2 …, 2016
Equity in access to MRI equipment
MJ Maia, AB Moniz
Technology assessment and policy areas of great transitions, 1st PACITA …, 2014
Foresight Exercises as a tool for decision-making: the example of two case studies in health4
MJF Maia
Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies 9 (9), 39-66, 2013
Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities: Study. Regulatory, Health and Demographic Aspects
L Nierling, MJ Maia, L Hennen, G Wolbring, T Bratan, P Kukk, J Čas, ...
European Parliament, 2018
RRI in Industry: Synthesis report on the stakeholder dialogues of the PRISMA project
MJ Maia
TATuP-Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis/Journal …, 2018
Equity in access to MRI equipment: the Portuguese case
MJF Maia
IET Working Papers Series, 2013
Technische und menschliche Unterstützung von Menschen mit Behinderungen–Anforderungen an eine gelingende Inklusion
T Bratan, L Nierling, M Maia
Assistive Technologien im Sozial-und Gesundheitssektor, 669-686, 2022
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