Antonio B. Oliveira Junior
Antonio B. Oliveira Junior
Postdoctoral Research - Rice University - CTBP/BRC
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Cited by
A scalable computational approach for simulating complexes of multiple chromosomes
ABO Junior, VG Contessoto, MF Mello, JN Onuchic
Journal of molecular biology 433 (6), 166700, 2021
Exploring energy landscapes of intrinsically disordered proteins: Insights into functional mechanisms
AB Oliveira Junior, X Lin, P Kulkarni, JN Onuchic, S Roy, VBP Leite
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17 (5), 3178-3187, 2021
Visualization of protein folding funnels in lattice models
AB Oliveira Jr, FM Fatore, FV Paulovich, ON Oliveira Jr, VBP Leite
PLoS One 9 (7), e100861, 2014
Distinguishing biomolecular pathways and metastable states
AB Oliveira Jr, H Yang, PC Whitford, VBP Leite
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (11), 6482-6490, 2019
SMOG 2 and OpenSMOG: Extending the limits of structure‐based models
AB de Oliveira Jr, VG Contessoto, A Hassan, S Byju, A Wang, Y Wang, ...
Protein Science 31 (1), 158-172, 2022
Examining the ensembles of amyloid-β monomer variants and their propensities to form fibers using an energy landscape visualization method
MN Sanches, K Knapp, AB Oliveira Jr, PG Wolynes, JN Onuchic, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126 (1), 93-99, 2021
Computational study on the allosteric mechanism of Leishmania major IF4E-1 by 4E-interacting protein-1: Unravelling the determinants of m7GTP cap recognition
L Hernández-Alvarez, AB Oliveira Jr, JE Hernández-González, J Chahine, ...
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 19, 2027-2044, 2021
Introdução ao problema de enovelamento de proteínas: uma abordagem utilizando modelos computacionais simplificados
V Godoi Contessoto, AB Oliveira, J Chahine, RJ Oliveira, VB Pereira Leite
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 40 (4), e4307, 2018
Chromosome modeling on downsampled Hi-C maps enhances the compartmentalization signal
AB Oliveira Junior, CP Estrada, EL Aiden, VG Contessoto, JN Onuchic
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (31), 8757-8767, 2021
Resolving the fine structure in the energy landscapes of repeat proteins
MN Sanches, RG Parra, RG Viegas, AB Oliveira, PG Wolynes, ...
QRB discovery 3, e7, 2022
pH and charged mutations modulate cold shock protein folding and stability: A constant pH monte carlo study
VM De Oliveira, DLZ Caetano, FB Da Silva, PR Mouro, AB de Oliveira Jr, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16 (1), 765-772, 2019
PyMEGABASE: predicting cell-type-specific structural annotations of chromosomes using the epigenome
E Dodero-Rojas, MF Mello, S Brahmachari, ABO Junior, VG Contessoto, ...
Journal of Molecular Biology 435 (15), 168180, 2023
Biotin-painted proteins have thermodynamic stability switched by kinetic folding routes
FC Freitas, M Maldonado, AB Oliveira Junior, JN Onuchic, RJ Oliveira
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (19), 2022
Structural reorganization and relaxation dynamics of axially stressed chromosomes
BS Ruben, S Brahmachari, VG Contessoto, RR Cheng, ABO Junior, ...
Biophysical Journal 122 (9), 1633-1645, 2023
Three-dimensional genome architecture persists in a 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth skin sample
M Sandoval-Velasco, O Dudchenko, JA Rodríguez, CP Estrada, ...
Cell 187 (14), 3541-3562. e51, 2024
Cultura Acadêmica PRÁTICAS DE ÓPTICA E INTRODUÇÃO À FÍSICA MODERNA: Coleta e Análise de Dados Experimentais
JRB Abrego, AB de Oliveira Junior, DLZ Caetano, GV Bossa, ...
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Articles 1–16