Matthew Larsen
Matthew Larsen
Luminary Cloud, LLC
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Vtk-m: Accelerating the visualization toolkit for massively threaded architectures
K Moreland, C Sewell, W Usher, L Lo, J Meredith, D Pugmire, J Kress, ...
IEEE computer graphics and applications 36 (3), 48-58, 2016
The alpine in situ infrastructure: Ascending from the ashes of strawman
M Larsen, J Ahrens, U Ayachit, E Brugger, H Childs, B Geveci, C Harrison
Proceedings of the In Situ Infrastructures on Enabling Extreme-Scale …, 2017
A terminology for in situ visualization and analysis systems
H Childs, SD Ahern, J Ahrens, AC Bauer, J Bennett, EW Bethel, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 34 (6 …, 2020
Ray tracing within a data parallel framework
M Larsen, JS Meredith, PA Navrátil, H Childs
2015 ieee pacific visualization symposium (pacificvis), 279-286, 2015
A flexible system for in situ triggers
M Larsen, A Woods, N Marsaglia, A Biswas, S Dutta, C Harrison, H Childs
Proceedings of the workshop on in situ infrastructures for enabling extreme …, 2018
Performance modeling of in situ rendering
M Larsen, C Harrison, J Kress, D Pugmire, JS Meredith, H Childs
SC'16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2016
Strawman: A batch in situ visualization and analysis infrastructure for multi-physics simulation codes
M Larsen, E Brugger, H Childs, J Eliot, K Griffin, C Harrison
Proceedings of the First Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling …, 2015
Comparing the efficiency of in situ visualization paradigms at scale
J Kress, M Larsen, J Choi, M Kim, M Wolf, N Podhorszki, S Klasky, ...
High Performance Computing: 34th International Conference, ISC High …, 2019
Volume Rendering Via Data-Parallel Primitives.
M Larsen, S Labasan, PA Navrátil, JS Meredith, H Childs
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 53-62, 2015
A scalable hybrid scheme for ray-casting of unstructured volume data
R Binyahib, T Peterka, M Larsen, KL Ma, H Childs
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (7), 2349-2361, 2018
Opportunities for cost savings with in-transit visualization
J Kress, M Larsen, J Choi, M Kim, M Wolf, N Podhorszki, S Klasky, ...
High Performance Computing: 35th International Conference, ISC High …, 2020
Ascent: A flyweight in situ library for exascale simulations
M Larsen, E Brugger, H Childs, C Harrison
In Situ Visualization For Computational Science, 255-279, 2022
Projecting performance data over simulation geometry using sosflow and alpine
C Wood, M Larsen, A Gimenez, K Huck, C Harrison, T Gamblin, A Malony
Programming and Performance Visualization Tools: International Workshops …, 2019
Interactive in situ visualization and analysis using ascent and jupyter
S Ibrahim, T Stitt, M Larsen, C Harrison
Proceedings of the Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme …, 2019
Conduit: A successful strategy for describing and sharing data in situ
C Harrison, M Larsen, BS Ryujin, A Kunen, A Capps, J Privitera
2022 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling …, 2022
Minimizing development costs for efficient many-core visualization using MCD3
K Moreland, R Maynard, D Pugmire, A Yenpure, A Vacanti, M Larsen, ...
Parallel Computing 108, 102834, 2021
Performance impacts of in situ wavelet compression on scientific simulations
S Li, M Larsen, J Clyne, H Childs
Proceedings of the in situ infrastructures on enabling extreme-scale …, 2017
Techniques for data-parallel searching for duplicate elements
B Lessley, K Moreland, M Larsen, H Childs
2017 IEEE 7th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 1-5, 2017
Paviz: A power-adaptive framework for optimizing visualization performance
M Larsen, H Childs, B Rountree
Optimizing multi-image sort-last parallel rendering
M Larsen, K Moreland, CR Johnson, H Childs
2016 IEEE 6th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 37-46, 2016
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