Sergio Luiz Ferreira da Silva
Sergio Luiz Ferreira da Silva
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Photosynthetic changes and protective mechanisms against oxidative damage subjected to isolated and combined drought and heat stresses in Jatropha curcas plants
EN Silva, SL Ferreira-Silva, A de Vasconcelos Fontenele, RV Ribeiro, ...
Journal of Plant Physiology 167 (14), 1157-1164, 2010
Roots and leaves display contrasting oxidative response during salt stress and recovery in cowpea
FR Cavalcanti, JPMS Lima, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Journal of plant physiology 164 (5), 591-600, 2007
Comparative effects of salinity and water stress on photosynthesis, water relations and growth of Jatropha curcas plants
EN Silva, RV Ribeiro, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Journal of Arid Environments 74 (10), 1130-1137, 2010
Salt stress induced damages on the photosynthesis of physic nut young plants
EN Silva, RV Ribeiro, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Scientia Agricola 68, 62-68, 2011
The role of organic and inorganic solutes in the osmotic adjustment of drought-stressed Jatropha curcas plants
EN Silva, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Environmental and Experimental Botany 69 (3), 279-285, 2010
Cytosolic APx knockdown indicates an ambiguous redox responses in rice
SB Rosa, A Caverzan, FK Teixeira, F Lazzarotto, JAG Silveira, ...
Phytochemistry 71 (5-6), 548-558, 2010
Changes in physiological indicators associated with salt tolerance in two contrasting cashew rootstocks
SL Ferreira-Silva, JAG Silveira, EL Voigt, LSP Soares, RA Viégas
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 20, 51-59, 2008
Exogenous ornithine is an effective precursor and the δ-ornithine amino transferase pathway contributes to proline accumulation under high N recycling in salt-stressed cashew …
IMA Da Rocha, VA Vitorello, JS Silva, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, ...
Journal of Plant Physiology 169 (1), 41-49, 2012
Coordinate changes in photosynthesis, sugar accumulation and antioxidative enzymes improve the performance of Jatropha curcas plants under drought stress
EN Silva, RV Ribeiro, SL Ferreira-Silva, SA Vieira, LFA Ponte, ...
Biomass and bioenergy 45, 270-279, 2012
Contrasting Physiological Responses of Jatropha curcas Plants to Single and Combined Stresses of Salinity and Heat
EN Silva, SA Vieira, RV Ribeiro, LFA Ponte, SL Ferreira-Silva, ...
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 32, 159-169, 2013
Antioxidant protection and PSII regulation mitigate photo-oxidative stress induced by drought followed by high light in cashew plants
CS Lima, SL Ferreira-Silva, FEL Carvalho, MCL Neto, RM Aragão, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 149, 59-69, 2018
High K+ supply avoids Na+ toxicity and improves photosynthesis by allowing favorable K+ : Na+ ratios through the inhibition of Na+ uptake and transport to the shoots of …
CRF Rodrigues, EN Silva, SL Ferreira‐Silva, EL Voigt, RA Viégas, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176 (2), 157-164, 2013
Genotypic differences relative photochemical activity, inorganic and organic solutes and yield performance in clones of the forage cactus under semi-arid environment
AMRF Jardim, HRB Santos, HKMN Alves, SL Ferreira-Silva, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 162, 421-430, 2021
Atividade de enzimas antioxidantes e inibição do crescimento radicular de feijão caupi sob diferentes níveis de salinidade
JM Maia, SL Ferreira-Silva, EL Voigt, CEC Macêdo, LFA Ponte, ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica 26, 342-349, 2012
Partial oxidative protection by enzymatic and non-enzymatic components in cashew leaves under high salinity
SL Ferreira-Silva, EL Voigt, EN Silva, JM Maia, TCR Aragão, JAG Silveira
Biologia Plantarum 56, 172-176, 2012
Efeito do Ca2+ externo no conteúdo de Na+ e K+ em cajueiros expostos a salinidade
FAL Alves, SL Ferreira-Silva, JAG da Silveira, VLA Pereira
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias 6 (4), 602-608, 2011
Physiological alterations modulated by rootstock and scion combination in cashew under salinity
SL Ferreira-Silva, EN Silva, FEL Carvalho, CS De Lima, FAL Alves, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 127 (1), 39-45, 2010
Influência de porta-enxertos na resistência de mudas de cajueiro ao estresse salino
SL Ferreira-Silva, EL Voigt, RA Viégas, JR Paiva, JAG Silveira
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 44, 361-367, 2009
High temperature positively modulates oxidative protection in salt-stressed cashew plants
SL Ferreira-Silva, EL Voigt, EN Silva, JM Maia, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 74, 162-170, 2011
Differences in cowpea root growth triggered by salinity and dehydration are associated with oxidative modulation involving types I and III peroxidases and apoplastic ascorbate
JM Maia, EL Voigt, SL Ferreira-Silva, A de V. Fontenele, CEC Macêdo, ...
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 32, 376-387, 2013
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