Marcos Tonelli
Marcos Tonelli
Physical Oceanography Researcher - Admiral Paulo Moreira Institute for Marine Studies - IEAPM
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Twenty first century changes in Antarctic and Southern Ocean surface climate in CMIP6
TJ Bracegirdle, G Krinner, M Tonelli, FA Haumann, KA Naughten, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 21 (9), e984, 2020
Stable water isotopes of precipitation and firn cores from the northern Antarctic Peninsula region as a proxy for climate reconstruction
F Fernandoy, H Meyer, M Tonelli
The Cryosphere 6 (2), 313-330, 2012
Climate projections for the Southern Ocean reveal impacts in the marine microbial communities following increases in sea surface temperature
M Tonelli, CN Signori, A Bendia, J Neiva, B Ferrero, V Pellizari, I Wainer
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 636226, 2021
Long-term regional dynamic sea level changes from CMIP6 projections
B Ferrero, M Tonelli, F Marcello, I Wainer
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 38, 157-167, 2021
A modelling study of the hydrographic structure of the Ross Sea
M Tonelli, I Wainer, E Curchitser
Ocean Science Discussions 9 (6), 3431-3449, 2012
Bonventre Jet al
A Levin, M Tonelli
Global kidney health, 2017
Warm deep water variability during the last millennium in the CESM–LME: pre-industrial scenario versus late 20th Century changes
M Tonelli, F Marcello, B Ferrero, I Wainer
Geosciences 9 (8), 346, 2019
Coupling a thermodynamically active ice shelf to a regional simulation of the Weddell Sea
V Meccia, I Wainer, M Tonelli, E Curchitser
Geoscientific Model Development 6 (4), 1209-1219, 2013
Projected Atlantic overturning slow-down is to be compensated by a strengthened South Atlantic subtropical gyre
F Marcello, M Tonelli, B Ferrero, I Wainer
Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 92, 2023
Stable water isotopes of precipitation and firn cores from the northern Antarctic Peninsula region as a proxy for climate reconstruction
F Fernandoy, H Meyer, M Tonelli
Cryosphere Discussions 5, 951-2011, 2011
Revisiting Antarctic sea-ice decadal variability since 1980
I Gorenstein, I Wainer, MM Mata, M Tonelli
Polar Science 31, 100743, 2022
Caracterização de mudanças climáticas na Antártica a partir da segunda metade do Século XX
N Silva, IEKC Wainer, MHM Tonelli
Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 12 (6), 2091-2107, 2019
Globalization of the antarctic seas pollution and climate change perspectives
RC Montone, C de Castro Martins, MHM Tonelli, TH Trevizani, MC Bícego, ...
Marine Pollution and Climate Change, 237-278, 2017
Numerical Investigation of the Ross Sea water masses using the Regional Ocean Modeling System–ROMS
MHM Tonelli, IEKC Wainer
Doctoral Thesis, Instituto Oceanográfico, 2014
Potential of the stable water isotope composition of precipitation and firn cores as a proxy for climate reconstruction at the Northern Antarctic Peninsula region
F Fernandoy, H Meyer, M Tonelli
Estudo numérico da variabilidade das massas de água do Mar de Ross nos séculos XX e XXI
MHM Tonelli
Universidade de São Paulo, 2009
Análise dos parâmetros meteorológicos de superfície do município de Cananéia
T Bomventi, IEKC Wainer, D Moita, M Tonelli, C Schultz
resumos, 2006
Upwelling-driven variation of sound speed profile in a Brazilian bay monitored by a coastal acquisition system
MVR Lopes, M Tonelli, G Cernicchiaro
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 96 (2), e20230846, 2024
Weakened AMOC upper limb compensated by strengthened South Atlantic subtropical gyre circulation in CESM1-LE simulations
F Marcello, M Tonelli, B Ferrero, I Wainer
Polar Science
I Gorenstein, I Wainer, MM Mata, M Tonelli
Polar 31, 100743, 2022
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