Marc Postman
Marc Postman
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Sloan digital sky survey: early data release
C Stoughton, RH Lupton, M Bernardi, MR Blanton, S Burles, FJ Castander, ...
The Astronomical Journal 123 (1), 485, 2002
The Hubble Space Telescope cluster supernova survey. V. Improving the dark-energy constraints above z> 1 and building an early-type-hosted supernova sample
N Suzuki, D Rubin, C Lidman, G Aldering, R Amanullah, K Barbary, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 746 (1), 85, 2012
Spectroscopic target selection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: The Luminous red galaxy sample
DJ Eisenstein, J Annis, JE Gunn, AS Szalay, AJ Connolly, RC Nichol, ...
The Astronomical Journal 122 (5), 2267, 2001
The pan-starrs1 surveys
KC Chambers, EA Magnier, N Metcalfe, HA Flewelling, ME Huber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.05560, 2016
The morphology-density relation-The group connection
M Postman, MJ Geller
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 281, June 1, 1984, p …, 1984
The Luminosity function of galaxies in SDSS commissioning data
MR Blanton, J Dalcanton, D Eisenstein, J Loveday, MA Strauss, ...
The Astronomical Journal 121 (5), 2358, 2001
Wide-field infrarred survey telescope-astrophysics focused telescope assets WFIRST-AFTA 2015 report
D Spergel, N Gehrels, C Baltay, D Bennett, J Breckinridge, M Donahue, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.03757, 2015
The Pan-STARRS1 database and data products
HA Flewelling, EA Magnier, KC Chambers, JN Heasley, C Holmberg, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 251 (1), 7, 2020
The masses of nuclear black holes in luminous elliptical galaxies and implications for the space density of the most massive black holes
TR Lauer, SM Faber, D Richstone, K Gebhardt, S Tremaine, M Postman, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 662 (2), 808, 2007
The Palomar distant cluster survey: I. The cluster catalog
M Postman, LM Lubin, JE Gunn, JB Oke, JG Hoessel, DP Schneider, ...
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9511011, 1995
The morphology-density relation in z~ 1 clusters
M Postman, M Franx, NJG Cross, B Holden, HC Ford, GD Illingworth, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 623 (2), 721, 2005
The motion of the Local Group with respect to the 15,000 kilometer per second Abell cluster inertial frame
TR Lauer, M Postman
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 425, no. 2, p. 418-438 …, 1994
CLASH: three strongly lensed images of a candidate z≈ 11 galaxy
D Coe, A Zitrin, M Carrasco, X Shu, W Zheng, M Postman, L Bradley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 762 (1), 32, 2012
Strong-lensing analysis of A1689 from deep advanced camera images
T Broadhurst, N Benítez, D Coe, K Sharon, K Zekser, R White, H Ford, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 621 (1), 53, 2005
The C4 clustering algorithm: clusters of galaxies in the sloan digital sky survey
CJ Miller, RC Nichol, D Reichart, RH Wechsler, AE Evrard, J Annis, ...
The Astronomical Journal 130 (3), 968, 2005
A magnified young galaxy from about 500 million years after the Big Bang
W Zheng, M Postman, A Zitrin, J Moustakas, X Shu, S Jouvel, O Høst, ...
Nature 489 (7416), 406-408, 2012
Evidence for ubiquitous high-equivalent-width nebular emission in z∼ 7 galaxies: toward a clean measurement of the specific star-formation rate using a sample of bright …
R Smit, RJ Bouwens, I Labbé, W Zheng, L Bradley, M Donahue, D Lemze, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 784 (1), 58, 2014
Brightest cluster galaxies as standard candles
M Postman, TR Lauer
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 440, no. 1, p. 28-47 …, 1995
CLASH: weak-lensing shear-and-magnification analysis of 20 galaxy clusters
K Umetsu, E Medezinski, M Nonino, J Merten, M Postman, M Meneghetti, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 795 (2), 163, 2014
Multiple images of a highly magnified supernova formed by an early-type cluster galaxy lens
PL Kelly, SA Rodney, T Treu, RJ Foley, G Brammer, KB Schmidt, A Zitrin, ...
Science 347 (6226), 1123-1126, 2015
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Articles 1–20