Devolution and Choice in Education: The School, the State and the Market. Australian Education Review No. 41. G Whitty, S Power, D Halpin Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Limited, 19 Prospect Hill …, 1998 | 1882 | 1998 |
Teacher education in transition: Re-forming professionalism? J Furlong (No Title), 2000 | 1126 | 2000 |
Making sense of education policy: Studies in the sociology and politics of education G Whitty Sage, 2002 | 811 | 2002 |
Sociology and school knowledge: Curriculum theory, research and politics G Whitty Routledge, 2017 | 788 | 2017 |
Chapter 1: Creating quasi-markets in education: A review of recent research on parental choice and school autonomy in three countries G Whitty Review of research in education 22 (1), 3-47, 1997 | 596 | 1997 |
Education (al) research and education policy making: is conflict inevitable? G Whitty British educational research journal 32 (2), 159-176, 2006 | 425 | 2006 |
Marketization and privatization in mass education systems G Whitty, S Power International Journal of Educational Development 20 (2), 93-107, 2000 | 421 | 2000 |
Can school improvement overcome the effects of disadvantage? P Mortimore, G Whitty (No Title), 2000 | 410 | 2000 |
Teacher professionalism in new times G Whitty Journal of in-service education 26 (2), 281-295, 2000 | 372 | 2000 |
Society, state and schooling: readings on the possibilities for radical education MFD Young, G Whitty (No Title), 1977 | 366 | 1977 |
The state and private education: An evaluation of the assisted places scheme G Whitty, AD Edwards, J Fitz Falmer, 1989 | 315 | 1989 |
The New Right and the National Curriculum: state control or market forces? G Whitty Journal of Education Policy 4 (4), 329-341, 1989 | 299 | 1989 |
La escuela, el Estado y el mercado: delegación de poderes y elección en educación G Whitty, S Power, D Halpin Ediciones Morata, 1999 | 298 | 1999 |
Specialisation and choice in urban education: The city technology college experiment G Whitty, T Edwards, S Gewirtz Routledge, 2022 | 293 | 2022 |
Education, social class and social exclusion G Whitty Journal of education policy 16 (4), 287-295, 2001 | 290 | 2001 |
Rebels without a cause? Socialization and subcultural style among the children of the new middle classes PJ Aggleton, G Whitty Sociology of Education, 60-72, 1985 | 287 | 1985 |
Explorations in the politics of school knowledge G Whitty, MFD Young Studies in Education, 1976 | 285 | 1976 |
Changing modes of teacher professionalism: traditional, managerial, collaborative and democratic G Whitty | 273 | 2008 |
New Labour's education policy: first, second or third way? S Power, G Whitty Journal of Education Policy 14 (5), 535-546, 1999 | 253 | 1999 |
Teacher professionalism in a new era G Whitty first General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland Annual Lecture, Belfast 15, 2006 | 218 | 2006 |