Liliana Lopez-Kleine
Liliana Lopez-Kleine
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Bogotá
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Sjögren’s syndrome at the crossroad of polyautoimmunity
MJ Amador-Patarroyo, JG Arbelaez, RD Mantilla, A Rodriguez-Rodriguez, ...
Journal of autoimmunity 39 (3), 199-205, 2012
Species from the Colletotrichum acutatum, Colletotrichum boninense and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complexes associated with tree tomato and …
CJ Pardo‐De la Hoz, C Calderón, AM Rincón, M Cárdenas, G Danies, ...
Plant Pathology 65 (2), 227-237, 2016
RUNX family: Oncogenes or tumor suppressors
BA Otálora-Otálora, B Henríquez, L López-Kleine, A Rojas
Oncology reports 42 (1), 3-19, 2019
Biostatistical approaches for the reconstruction of gene co-expression networks based on transcriptomic data
L López-Kleine, L Leal, C López
Briefings in functional genomics 12 (5), 457-467, 2013
Co-expressed miRNAs in gastric adenocarcinoma
S Yepes, R Lopez, RE Andrade, PA Rodriguez-Urrego, L Lopez-Kleine, ...
Genomics 108 (2), 93-101, 2016
Calidad de vida y ciudad: análisis del nivel de desarrollo en Bogotá a través del método de necesidades básicas insatisfechas
A Torres, S Méndez-Fajardo, L López-Kleine, S Galarza-Molina, N Oviedo
Estudios gerenciales 29 (127), 231-238, 2013
Classification and clustering on microarray data for gene functional prediction using R: Methods in Molecular Biology
LL Kleine, R Montaño, F Torres-Avilés
Humana Press Inc., 2016
Construction and comparison of gene co-expression networks shows complex plant immune responses
LG Leal, C Lopez, L Lopez-Kleine
PeerJ 2, e610, 2014
Temporal Changes of the Epiphytic Bacteria Community From the Marine Macroalga Ulva lactuca (Santa Marta, Colombian-Caribbean)
NB Comba González, AN Niño Corredor, L López Kleine, ...
Current Microbiology 78, 534-543, 2021
Epiphytic bacteria of macroalgae of the genus Ulva and their potential in producing enzymes having biotechnological interest
NB Comba-González, JS Ruiz-Toquica, L Lopez-Kleine, ...
J. Mar. Biol. Oceanogr 5, 2-9, 2016
Bioinformatic tools for the analysis and prediction of ncRNA interactions
A Rincón-Riveros, D Morales, JA Rodríguez, VE Villegas, L López-Kleine
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (21), 11397, 2021
Role of bacterial peptidase F inferred by statistical analysis and further experimental validation
LL Kleine, V Monnet, C Pechoux, A Trubuil
HFSP journal 2 (1), 29-41, 2008
Evaluación preliminar de la calidad de la escorrentía pluvial sobre tejados para su posible aprovechamiento en zonas periurbanas de Bogotá
A Torres, S Méndez-Fajardo, L López-Kleine, V Marín, JA González, ...
Revista UDCA Actualidad & Divulgación Científica 14 (1), 127-135, 2011
Production of enzymes and siderophores by epiphytic bacteria isolated from the marine macroalga Ulva lactuca
NC González, MLR Hoyos, LL Kleine, DM Castaño
Aquatic Biology 27, 107-118, 2018
Lactic acid bacteria| proteolytic systems
L Lopez-Kleine, V Monnet
Academic Press, 2011
Identification of candidate miRNAs in early-onset and late-onset prostate cancer by network analysis
R Parra-Medina, L López-Kleine, S Ramírez-Clavijo, C Payán-Gómez
Scientific reports 10 (1), 12345, 2020
Identification of common differentially expressed genes in Turner (45, X) and Klinefelter (47, XXY) syndromes using bioinformatics analysis
MC Manotas, JC Calderón, L López-Kleine, F Suárez-Obando, ...
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 8 (11), e1503, 2020
Joint transcriptomic analysis of lung cancer and other lung diseases
BA Otálora-Otálora, M Florez, L López-Kleine, A Canas Arboleda, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 10, 1260, 2019
Physical characteristics of pipes as indicators of structural state for decision-making considerations in sewer asset management
L López-Kleine, N Hernández, A Torres
Ingeniería e Investigación 36 (3), 15-21, 2016
Most Colletotrichum species associated with tree tomato (Solanum betaceum) and mango (Mangifera indica) crops are not host‐specific
L Cabrera, P Rojas, S Rojas, CJ Pardo‐De la Hoz, MF Mideros, G Danies, ...
Plant pathology 67 (5), 1022-1030, 2018
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Artigos 1–20