Silvia Bartolucci
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On technical trading and social media indicators for cryptocurrency price classification through deep learning
M Ortu, N Uras, C Conversano, S Bartolucci, G Destefanis
Expert Systems with Applications 198, 116804, 2022
SHARVOT: secret SHARe-based VOTing on the blockchain
S Bartolucci, P Bernat, D Joseph
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on emerging trends in software …, 2018
Blockchain-based smart contracts as new governance tools for the sharing economy
S Fiorentino, S Bartolucci
Cities 117, 103325, 2021
The Butterfly “Affect”: Impact of Development Practices on Cryptocurrency Prices
S Bartolucci, G Destefanis, M Ortu, N Uras, M Marchesi, R Tonelli
EPJ Data Science 9 (1), 2020
A percolation model for the emergence of the Bitcoin Lightning Network
S Bartolucci, F Caccioli, P Vivo
Scientific reports 10 (1), 4488, 2020
Parallel processing in immune networks
E Agliari, A Barra, S Bartolucci, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, F Moauro
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (4 …, 2013
A model of the optimal selection of crypto assets
S Bartolucci, A Kirilenko
Royal Society open science 7 (8), 191863, 2020
A preliminary analysis on the code generation capabilities of gpt-3.5 and bard ai models for java functions
G Destefanis, S Bartolucci, M Ortu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.09402, 2023
Computer-implemented system and method providing a decentralized protocol for the recovery of cryptographic assets
J Fletcher, S Bartolucci
US Patent 11,356,263, 2022
Ranking influential nodes in networks from aggregate local information
S Bartolucci, F Caccioli, F Caravelli, P Vivo
Physical Review Research 5 (3), 033123, 2023
Inversion-free Leontief inverse: statistical regularities in input-output analysis from partial information
S Bartolucci, F Caccioli, F Caravelli, P Vivo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06350, 2020
"Spectrally gapped" random walks on networks: a Mean First Passage Time formula
S Bartolucci, F Caccioli, F Caravelli, P Vivo
SciPost Physics 11 (5), 088, 2021
Mindthedapp: a toolchain for complex network-driven structural analysis of ethereum-based decentralised applications
G Ibba, S Aufiero, S Bartolucci, R Neykova, M Ortu, R Tonelli, ...
IEEE Access 12, 28382-28394, 2024
A dynamical model of the adaptive immune system: effects of cells promiscuity, antigens and B–B interactions
S Bartolucci, A Annibale
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2015 (8), P08017, 2015
The role of idiotypic interactions in the adaptive immune system: a belief-propagation approach
S Bartolucci, A Mozeika, A Annibale
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (8), 083402, 2016
Cryptocurrency co-investment network: token returns reflect investment patterns
L Mungo, S Bartolucci, L Alessandretti
EPJ Data Science. 13(1), p.11, 2023
Blockchain technologies and art: Opportunities and open challenges
C Giannoni, F Medda, S Bartolucci
Available at SSRN 4439318, 2023
Correlation between upstreamness and downstreamness in random global value chains
S Bartolucci, F Caccioli, F Caravelli, P Vivo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.06603, 2023
Blockchain and smart contracts as new governance tools for the sharing economy
S Bartolucci, S Fiorentino
2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion …, 2021
A Preliminary Analysis of Software Metrics in Decentralised Applications
G Ibba, S Khullar, E Tesfai, R Neykova, S Aufiero, M Ortu, S Bartolucci, ...
Fifth ACM International Workshop on Blockchain-enabled Networked Sensor Systems, 2023
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