Lingrui Zhou
Lingrui Zhou
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Cited by
Better to decide together: Shared consumer decision making, perceived power, and relationship satisfaction
DJ Brick, L Zhou, TL Chartrand, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Consumer Psychology 32 (3), 387-405, 2022
Befriending the enemy: The effects of observing brand-to-brand praise on consumer evaluations and choices
L Zhou, KM Du, KM Cutright
Journal of Marketing 86 (4), 57-72, 2022
Aha over Haha: Brands benefit more from being clever than from being funny
HS Howe, L Zhou, RS Dias, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Consumer Psychology 33 (1), 107-114, 2023
Sharing food can backfire: When healthy choices for children lead parents to make unhealthy choices for themselves
KG Wight, PJ Liu, L Zhou, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Marketing Research 61 (3), 451-471, 2024
Are My Dog’S Treats Making Me Fat? the Effects of Choices Made For Others on Subsequent Choices For the Self
K Gullo, P Liu, L Zhou, GJ Fitzsimons
ACR North American Advances, 2017
EXPRESS: Sharing Food Can Backfire: When Healthy Choices for Children Lead Parents to Make Unhealthy Choices for Themselves
KG Wight, PJ Liu, L Zhou, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Marketing Research, 00222437231184830, 2023
Constraining the Unconstrained: Why Consumers Give Less Versatile Gifts to Unconstrained Recipients
D Huynh, L Zhou, K Cutright, E Wu
Society for Consumer Psychology (02/03/2023-04/03/2023, San Juan), 2023
Essays on How Consumers Respond to Positive Brand-to-brand Interactions
L Zhou
Duke University, 2023
Constraining the Unconstrained: Gift Versatility and Financial Perceptions
D Huynh, L Zhou, K Cutright, E Wu
Association for Consumer Research (20/10/2022-23/10/2022, Denver), 2022
When Mine Becomes Ours: Caregiving and the Effects of Choices Made for Others on Subsequent Choices for the Self
KG Wight, PJ Liu, L Zhou, GJ Fitzsimon
Association for Consumer Research (20/10/2022-23/10/2022, Denver), 2022
The Burden of Gifts: How Givers Mispredict Negative Reactions of Receivers
L Zhou, T Chartrand
ACR North American Advances, 2020
A Helping Hand: How Online and In-Store Shopping Environments Change Information Search For Haptic Products
L Zhou, N Sullivan, G Fitzsimons
ACR North American Advances, 2020
R2. Brand-To-Brand Communications: How Consumers React to Flattery Between Brands
L Zhou, K Crain, K Cutright
ACR North American Advances, 2018
Does This Dog Make Me Look Fat? The Liberating Effect of Choices Made for Others on Subsequent Choices for the Self.
KA Gullo, P Liu, L Zhou, GJ Fitzsimons
Advances in Consumer Research 44, 2016
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Articles 1–14