Juarez Bento da Silva
Juarez Bento da Silva
Professor/Pesquisador Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ( UFSC)
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Using remote labs in education: two little ducks in remote experimentation
J Garcia-Zubía, GRC Alves, MH Shor, J Henry, LO Hehinde, ...
Universidad de Deusto, 2012
Spreading remote lab usage a system—A community—A Federation
GR Alves, A Fidalgo, A Marques, C Viegas, MC Felgueiras, R Costa, ...
2016 2nd international conference of the Portuguese society for engineering …, 2016
A Utilização da experimentação remota como suporte para ambientes colaborativos de aprendizagem
JB da Silva
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós …, 2006
Technological structure for technology integration in the classroom, inspired by the maker culture
JB Silva, IN Silva, S Bilessimo
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE:Research) 19 …, 2020
Integração de tecnologia na educação: Proposta de modelo para capacitação docente inspirada no TPACK
Educação em revista 37, e232757, 2021
Design and implementation of a remote lab for teaching programming and robotics
JPC de Lima, LM Carlos, JPS Simão, J Pereira, PM Mafra, JB da Silva
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (30), 86-91, 2016
Large and small scale networks of remote labs: a survey
GR Alves, MG Gericota, JB Silva, JB Alves
Advances on remote laboratories and e-learning experiences 15, 2007
Remote experimentation in the teaching of physics in Costa Rica: First steps
C Arguedas-Matarrita, SB Concari, L Rodriguez-Gil, P Orduña, ...
2019 5th Experiment International Conference (exp. at'19), 208-212, 2019
Technology Integration Actions in Mathematics teaching in Brazilian Basic Education: Stimulating STEM disciplines
PC Nicolete, SMS Bilessimo, MA da Silva Cristiano, JPS Simão, ...
Revista de Educación a Distancia, 2017
The VISIR+ project-helping contextualize math in an engineering course
N Lima, M Zannin, C Viegas, A Marques, G Alves, MC Felgueiras, ...
2017 4th Experiment@ International Conference (exp. at'17), 7-12, 2017
International cooperation for remote laboratory use
GR Alves, AV Fidalgo, MA Marques, MC Viegas, MC Felgueiras, RJ Costa, ...
Contributions to Higher Engineering Education, 1-31, 2018
IT Innovative practices in secondary schools: Remote experiments
O Dziabenko, J García-Zubía, S A.S., A Chioccariello, L Ochoa, l. Tsekova, ...
Universidad de Deusto, 2016
Using remote lab networks to provide support to public secondary school education level
S Paladini, JB da Silva, GR Alves, BR Fischer, JB da Mota Alves
2008 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and …, 2008
Adaptation model of mobile remote experimentation for elementary schools
JB da Silva, W Rochadel, JPS Simão, AV da Silva Fidalgo
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 9 (1), 28-32, 2014
Ensino Híbrido: Relato de Experiência sobre o uso de AVEA em uma proposta de Sala de Aula Invertida para o Ensino Médio.
AC dos Santos, PC Nicolete, N Mattiola, JB da Silva
RENOTE 15 (2), 2018
Utilization of NICTs applied to mobile devices
JB da Silva, W Rochadel, R Marcelino, V Gruber
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 8 (3), 97-102, 2013
Utilização de Experimentação Remota Móvel no Ensino Médio
JPS Simão, JPC de Lima, W Rochadel, JB da Silva
RENOTE 11 (1), 2013
Do students really understand the difference between simulation and remote labs?
N Lima, C Viegas, M Zannin, A Marques, G Alves, MC Felgueiras, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems …, 2017
Doing physics experiments and learning with smartphones
MÁ González, JB da Silva, JC Cañedo, F Huete, Ó Martínez, D Esteban, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems …, 2015
Mobile remote experimentation applied to education
JB da Silva, W Rochadel, R Marcelino, V Gruber, SMS Bilessimo
IT innovative practices in secondary schools: Remote experiments, 281-302, 2013
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