Tobias Horsmann
Cited by
Cited by
Fast or Accurate?-A Comparative Evaluation of PoS Tagging Models.
T Horsmann, N Erbs, T Zesch
GSCL, 22-30, 2015
Do women perceive hate differently: Examining the relationship between hate speech, gender, and agreement judgments
M Wojatzki, T Horsmann, D Gold, T Zesch
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018
Do LSTMs really work so well for PoS tagging?–A replication study
T Horsmann, T Zesch
Proceedings of the 2017 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2017
LTL-UDE at SemEval-2019 Task 6: BERT and two-vote classification for categorizing offensiveness
P Aggarwal, T Horsmann, M Wojatzki, T Zesch
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 678-682, 2019
A distributed virtual computer security lab with central authority.
J Haag, T Horsmann, S Karsch, HPE Vranken
CSERC 11, 89-95, 2011
LTL-UDE@ EmpiriST 2015: tokenization and PoS tagging of social media text
T Horsmann, T Zesch
Proceedings of the 10th web as Corpus workshop, 120-126, 2016
From legal to technical concept: towards an automated classification of German political Twitter postings as criminal offenses
F Zufall, T Horsmann, T Zesch
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2019
Effectiveness of domain adaptation approaches for social media POS tagging
T Horsmann, T Zesch
CLiC it, 166, 2015
A distributed virtual computer security lab
H Vranken, J Haag, T Horsmann, S Karsch
International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2, 110-119, 2011
DeepTC–An Extension of DKPro Text Classification for Fostering Reproducibility of Deep Learning Experiments
T Horsmann, T Zesch
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Connecting resources: Which issues have to be solved to integrate CMC corpora from heterogeneous sources and for different languages?
M Beißwenger, C Wigham, C Etienne, D Fišer, HG Suárez, L Herzberg, ...
5th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities …, 2017
Flextag: A highly flexible pos tagging framework
T Zesch, T Horsmann
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Towards automatic scoring of cloze items by selecting low-ambiguity contexts
T Horsmann, T Zesch
Proceedings of the third workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language …, 2014
ltl. uni-due at semeval-2019 task 5: Simple but effective lexico-semantic features for detecting hate speech in twitter
H Zhang, M Wojatzki, T Horsmann, T Zesch
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 441-446, 2019
Assigning Fine-grained PoS Tags based on High-precision Coarse-grained Tagging
T Horsmann, T Zesch
COLING 2016, 328 – 336, 2016
Building a Social Media Adapted PoS Tagger Using FlexTag – A Case Study on Italian Tweets
T Horsmann, T Zesch
Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools …, 2016
Robust part-of-speech tagging of social media text
T Horsmann
Dissertation, Duisburg, Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2018, 2018
Reliable Part-of-Speech Tagging of Low-frequency Phenomena in the Social Media Domain
T Horsmann, M Beißwenger, T Zesch
Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora17), 39, 2017
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Articles 1–18