Gleice de Souza Santos
Gleice de Souza Santos
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
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The impact of trampling on reef Macrobenthos in Northeastern Brazil: how effective are current conservation strategies?
GS Santos, DC Burgos, SMA Lira, R Schwamborn
Environmental Management 56, 847-858, 2015
Spatial and nycthemeral distribution of the zooneuston off Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
SMA Lira, IÁ Teixeira, CDM Lima, GS Santos, SN Leitão, R Schwamborn
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 62, 35-45, 2014
The relative importance of regional and local factors in shaping zooplankton diversity in high-altitude tropical shallow lakes
EM Eskinazi-Sant’Anna, GS Santos, NJS Alves, LAF Brito, MGP Leite
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 35 (1), 203-221, 2020
Two new methods for sampling zooplankton and larval assemblages in tropical reef ecosystems
GS Santos, M Brito-Lolaia, R Schwamborn
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 491, 27-37, 2017
Do metals differentiate zooplankton communities in shallow and deep lakes affected by mining tailings? The case of the Fundão dam failure (Brazil)
G de Souza Santos, EEC Silva, GF Barroso, VMD Pasa, ...
Science of the Total Environment 806, 150493, 2022
Impacts of exposure to mine tailings on zooplankton hatching from a resting egg bank
G de Souza Santos, EEC Silva, FM Balmant, PCS Gomes, ...
Aquatic Ecology 55, 545-557, 2021
Micro-and mesozooplankton at the edges of coastal tropical reefs (Tamandaré, Brazil)
M Brito-Lolaia, GS Santos, S Neumann-Leitão, R Schwamborn
Helgoland Marine Research 74 (1), 7, 2020
Response of the zooxanthellae of Palythoa caribaeorum (Cnidaria: Zoanthidea) to different environmental conditions in coastal and oceanic ecosystems of the …
GS Santos, FD Amaral, CFC Sassi, R Schwamborn
Helgoland Marine Research 70, 1-7, 2016
Are tropical coastal reefs sinks or sources of mesozooplankton? A case study in a Brazilian marine protected area
GS Santos, L Stemmann, F Lombard, R Schwamborn
Coral Reefs 38, 1107-1120, 2019
Small-scale distribution of the mesozooplankton in a tropical insular system
RPS Campelo, XFG Diaz, G Santos, PAMC Melo, M Melo Junior, ...
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 66, 15-29, 2018
A review of 121 years of studies on the freshwater zooplankton of Brazil
MSM Castilho-Noll, G Perbiche-Neves, NG dos Santos, LTF Schwind, ...
Limnologica 100, 126057, 2023
Response of cladoceran assemblages to restoration of riparian vegetation: A case study in a tropical reservoir of Brazil
EE Cortez-Silva, G de Souza Santos, MGP Leite, EM Eskinazi-Sant’Anna
Limnologica 85, 125822, 2020
Comunidades macrobentônicas sésseis em ambientes recifais tropicais sob diferentes intensidades de pisoteio
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2013
Egg production and life history of Alona guttata Sars, 1862 (Cladocera, Chydoridae): implications for colonization of temporary ponds
EE Cortez-Silva, VF Souza, GS Santos, EM Eskinazi-Sant’Anna
Brazilian Journal of Biology 82, e237351, 2021
Interaction between Epistylis sp. and copepods in tropical lakes: responses of epibiont infestation to species host density
G de Souza Santos, VRC Ibraim, EEC Silva, EM Eskinazi-Sant’Anna
Limnologica 84, 125815, 2020
What drives zooplankton taxonomic and functional β diversity? A review of Brazilian rivers
G de Souza Santos, LP Diniz, EEC Silva, TLT de Paula, PCS Gomes, ...
Hydrobiologia 851 (5), 1305-1318, 2024
Strategies of Environmental Enrichment for ocelot Leopardus pardalis (Carnivora, Felidae) at Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos: a study case in Brazil
MV de Araujo Sena, G de Souza Santos, MAB de Oliveira
Revista Brasileira de Zoociências 19 (2), 2018
Deep lakes support higher zooplankton functional diversity than shallow lakes: A case study in lacustrine environments affected by mining tailings (lower Doce River basin, Brazil)
GS Santos, EEC Silva, LP Diniz, RX Calvi, DM de Oliveira, BL Delfim, ...
Freshwater Biology 69 (7), 945-958, 2024
Egg production and life history of Alona guttata Sars, 1862 (Cladocera, Chydoridae): implications for colonization of temporary ponds.
EEC Silva, VF Souza, GS Santos, EME Sant'Anna
Produção de ovos e história de vida de Alona guttata Sars, 1862 (Cladocera, Chydoridae): implicações para a colonização de lagoas temporárias
EE Cortez-Silva, VF Souza, GS Santos, EM Eskinazi-Sant’Anna
Brazilian Journal of Biology 82, e237351, 2021
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