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Bertrand LE GALMaitre de conférences, Université de RennesE-mail confirmado em irisa.fr
camille lerouxProfessor at Institut Polytechnique de BordeauxE-mail confirmado em ipb.fr
Ali HarounTelecom bretagneE-mail confirmado em telecom-bretagne.eu
Charlotte LanglaisIMT Atlantique, Lab-STICCE-mail confirmado em imt-atlantique.fr
E. BoutillonLab-STICC, Université de Bretagne SudE-mail confirmado em univ-ubs.fr
meng LIsenior researcher @ imecE-mail confirmado em imec.be
Catherine DouillardProfessor, IMT AtlantiqueE-mail confirmado em imt-atlantique.fr
Dominique DalletIMS Laboratory, Bordeaux INP, University of BordeauxE-mail confirmado em ims-bordeaux.fr
Warren GrossProfessor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill UniversityE-mail confirmado em mcgill.ca
Yangyang TANGProject Manager, Hisilicon, HuaweiE-mail confirmado em hisilicon.com
olivier mullerAssociate professor of computer science, Grenoble Institut of Technology, Ensimag/TIMA SLSE-mail confirmado em imag.fr

Christophe JEGO
Professor IMS Laboratory, Enseirb-Matmeca , Bordeaux INP
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