Bernard Sonnenschein
Bernard Sonnenschein
Data Science Consultant
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Approximate solution to the stochastic Kuramoto model
B Sonnenschein, L Schimansky-Geier
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (5 …, 2013
Onset of synchronization in complex networks of noisy oscillators
B Sonnenschein, L Schimansky-Geier
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (5 …, 2012
Collective dynamics in two populations of noisy oscillators with asymmetric interactions
B Sonnenschein, TKDM Peron, FA Rodrigues, J Kurths, ...
Physical Review E 91 (6), 062910, 2015
Excitable elements controlled by noise and network structure
B Sonnenschein, MA Zaks, AB Neiman, L Schimansky-Geier
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 222 (10), 2517-2529, 2013
Cooperative behavior between oscillatory and excitable units: the peculiar role of positive coupling-frequency correlations
B Sonnenschein, TK Peron, FA Rodrigues, J Kurths, L Schimansky-Geier
The European Physical Journal B 87 (182), 2014
Networks of noisy oscillators with correlated degree and frequency dispersion
B Sonnenschein, F Sagués, L Schimansky-Geier
The European Physical Journal B 86 (12), 2013
Tristable and multiple bistable activity in complex random binary networks of two-state units
S Christ, B Sonnenschein, L Schimansky-Geier
The European Physical Journal B 90 (14), 2017
Traveling phase waves in asymmetric networks of noisy chaotic attractors
TKDM Peron, J Kurths, FA Rodrigues, L Schimansky-Geier, ...
Physical Review E 94 (4), 042210, 2016
Collective Dynamics in Complex Networks of Noisy Phase Oscillators. Towards Models of Neuronal Network Dynamics
B Sonnenschein
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2016
Approximate low-dimensional dynamics on networks of noisy phase oscillators
B Sonnenschein, L Schimansky-Geier
Neural Coding 2014, 2014
How noise and coupling patterns affect collective dynamics of excitable elements
B Sonnenschein, MA Zaks, AB Neiman, L Schimansky-Geier
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Articles 1–11