Spencer Phillips
Spencer Phillips
Key-Log Economics
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Cited by
The direct medical costs of osteoporosis for American women aged 45 and older, 1986
S Phillips, N Fox, J Jacobs, WE Wright
Bone 9 (5), 271-279, 1988
Valuing type and scope of ecosystem conservation: A meta-analysis
E Hjerpe, A Hussain, S Phillips
Journal of Forest Economics 21 (1), 32-50, 2015
Windfalls for wilderness: Land protection and land value in the Green Mountains
S Phillips
SF McCool, DN Cole, WT Borrie, J. O’Loughlin, comps. Wilderness Science in a …, 2000
Ecosystem service benefits of a cleaner Chesapeake Bay
S Phillips, B McGee
Coastal Management 44 (3), 241-258, 2016
A synthesis of the economic values of wilderness
TP Holmes, JM Bowker, J Englin, E Hjerpe, JB Loomis, S Phillips, ...
Journal of Forestry 114 (3), 320-328, 2016
Greater than zero: toward the total economic value of Alaska's National Forest wildlands
S Phillips, R Silverman, A Gore
The Wilderness Society, 2007
Windfalls for wilderness: Land protection and land value in the Green Mountains
SR Phillips
Virginia Tech, 2004
The economic benefits of wilderness: focus on property value enhancement
S Phillips
Policy Brief 2, 2004
Forest products manufacturing: factors and trends affecting the working forest
S Phillips
The northern forest strategies for sustainability 1, 1993
Climate change and ecosystem services: The contribution of and impacts on federal public lands in the United States
V Esposito, S Phillips, R Boumans, A Moulaert, J Boggs
Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values, 155-164, 2011
Economic Costs of the Mountain Valley Pipeline: Effects on Property Value, Ecosystem Services, and Economic Development in Virginia and West Virginia (p. 51). KeyLog Economics LLC
S Phillips, S Wang, C Bottorff
Key-Log Economics LLC. Retrieved 10 (31), 19, 2016
The economic benefits of cleaning up the Chesapeake: A valuation of the natural benefits gained by implementing the Chesapeake clean water blueprint
S Phillips, B McGee
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 2014
Economic Costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Effects on property value, ecosystem services, and economic development in western and central Virginia
S Phillips, C Bottorff, S Wang
Key-Log Economics LLC. Available at: https://www. abralliance. org/wp …, 2016
The economic benefits of cleaning up the Chesapeake
S Phillips, B McGee
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Phillip Merrill Environmental Center 6, 2014
Sulfide-ore copper mining and/or a sustainable boundary waters economy: The need to consider real tradeoffs
S Phillips, C Alkire
Key-Log economics LLC, 2017
Reason for caution: Mountain Valley Pipeline economic studies overestimate benefits, downplay costs
S Phillips, KL Economics
Key-Log Economics, 2015
The humbling power of wilderness
SR Phillips
Protecting the wild: Parks and wilderness, the foundation for conservation …, 2015
User’s guide to ecosystem services
S Phillips
Charlottesville, VA: Key-Log Economics, LLC for the Model Forest Policy Program, 2013
Evaluating agricultural pesticide use and risk for the Chesapeake Bay
SR Phillips
Virginia Tech, 1990
Déjà vu on the Tongass: How Overestimating Timber Demand Prevents Responsible Stewardship
P Morton, S Phillips, A Gore
Wilderness Society, 2007
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Articles 1–20