Jinha Kim
Jinha Kim
Chonnam National University, Department of Mathematics
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On difference graphs and the local dimension of posets
J Kim, RR Martin, T Masařík, W Shull, HC Smith, A Uzzell, Z Wang
European Journal of Combinatorics 86, 103074, 2020
Rainbow independent sets in certain classes of graphs
R Aharoni, J Briggs, J Kim, M Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.13143, 2019
Badges and rainbow matchings
R Aharoni, J Briggs, J Kim, M Kim
Discrete Mathematics 344 (6), 112363, 2021
The homotopy type of the independence complex of graphs with no induced cycles of length divisible by 3
J Kim
European Journal of Combinatorics 104, 103534, 2022
On k-11-representable graphs
GS Cheon, J Kim, M Kim, S Kitaev, A Pyatkin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.01055, 2018
Independent domination of graphs with bounded maximum degree
EK Cho, J Kim, M Kim, S Oum
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 158, 341-352, 2023
Rainbow independent sets on dense graph classes
J Kim, M Kim, O Kwon
Discrete Applied Mathematics 312, 45-51, 2022
Well-mixing vertices and almost expanders
D Chakraborti, J Kim, J Kim, M Kim, H Liu
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (12), 5097-5110, 2022
Word-representability of Toeplitz graphs
GS Cheon, J Kim, M Kim, S Kitaev
Discrete Applied Mathematics 270, 96-105, 2019
On operations preserving semi-transitive orientability of graphs
I Choi, J Kim, M Kim
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 37, 1351-1366, 2019
Collapsibility of non-cover complexes of graphs
I Choi, J Kim, B Park
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.10320, 2019
Cooperative conditions for the existence of rainbow matchings
R Aharoni, J Briggs, M Cho, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.08247, 2020
Domination numbers and noncover complexes of hypergraphs
J Kim, M Kim
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 180, 105408, 2021
Rainbow paths and rainbow matchings in graphs
R Aharoni, J Briggs, J Kim, M Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.0759, 2020
Colorful fractional Helly theorem via weak saturation
D Chakraborti, M Cho, J Kim, M Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.15093, 2024
Strong Erd\H {o} s-Hajnal properties in chordal graphs
M Cho, AF Holmsen, J Kim, M Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02417, 2023
A sharp Ore-type condition for a connected graph with no induced star to have a Hamiltonian path
I Choi, J Kim
Discrete Applied Mathematics 279, 178-182, 2020
Noncover complexes, independence complexes, and domination numbers of hypergraphs
J Kim, M Kim
Sém. Lothar. Combin. B 84, 46, 2020
Fractional Helly theorem for Cartesian products of convex sets
D Chakraborti, J Kim, J Kim, M Kim, H Liu
Discrete & Computational Geometry 70 (4), 1632-1651, 2023
An Eisenbud-Goto type inequality for Stanley-Reisner ideals and simplicial complexes
J Jung, J Kim, M Kim, Y Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.03338, 2023
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