The ambiguity aversion literature: a critical assessment NI Al-Najjar, J Weinstein
Economics & Philosophy 25 (3), 249-284, 2009
293 2009 A structure theorem for rationalizability with application to robust predictions of refinements J Weinstein, M Yildiz
Econometrica 75 (2), 365-400, 2007
260 2007 Two notes on the Blotto game J Weinstein
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69 2012 Comparative testing of experts NI Al‐Najjar, J Weinstein
Econometrica 76 (3), 541-559, 2008
64 2008 Impact of higher-order uncertainty J Weinstein, M Yildiz
Games and Economic Behavior 60 (1), 200-212, 2007
63 2007 Lattice walks in and permutations with no long ascending subsequences I Gessel, J Weinstein, HS Wilf
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40 1998 The effect of changes in risk attitude on strategic behavior J Weinstein
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29 2016 Robust predictions in infinite-horizon games—An unrefinable folk theorem J Weinstein, M Yildiz
Review of Economic Studies 80 (1), 365-394, 2013
29 2013 Price dispersion and loss leaders A Ambrus, J Weinstein
Theoretical Economics 3 (4), 525-537, 2008
28 2008 Sensitivity of equilibrium behavior to higher-order beliefs in nice games J Weinstein, M Yildiz
Games and Economic Behavior 72 (1), 288-300, 2011
27 2011 Testing theories with learnable and predictive representations NI Al-Najjar, A Sandroni, R Smorodinsky, J Weinstein
Journal of Economic Theory 145 (6), 2203-2217, 2010
27 2010 Reputation without commitment in finitely repeated games J Weinstein, M Yildiz
Theoretical Economics 11 (1), 157-185, 2016
23 2016 Finite-order implications of any equilibrium J Weinstein, M Yildiz
Available at SSRN 500202, 2004
22 2004 Rejoinder: The “ambiguity aversion literature: A critical assessment” NI Al-Najjar, J Weinstein
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17 2009 A Bayesian model of Knightian uncertainty NI Al-Najjar, J Weinstein
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16 2015 A structure theorem for rationalizability in infinite horizon-games J Weinstein, M Yildiz
Unpublished manuscript, Mass. Inst. Technol, 2009
14 2009 Uncertain rationality, depth of reasoning and robustness in games with incomplete information F Germano, J Weinstein, P Zuazo‐Garin
Theoretical Economics 15 (1), 89-122, 2020
12 2020 Best-reply sets J Weinstein
Economic Theory Bulletin 8 (1), 105-112, 2020
10 * 2020 Interim correlated rationalizability in infinite games J Weinstein, M Yildiz
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8 2017 Fairness and Tax Policy: A Response to Mankiw's Proposed “Just Deserts” J Weinstein
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7 2011