Adeildo Soares Ramos Jr
Adeildo Soares Ramos Jr
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Multi-material topology optimization with multiple volume constraints: a general approach applied to ground structures with material nonlinearity
XS Zhang, GH Paulino, AS Ramos
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 57, 161-182, 2018
Material nonlinear topology optimization using the ground structure method with a discrete filtering scheme
X Zhang, AS Ramos, GH Paulino
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 55, 2045-2072, 2017
Convex topology optimization for hyperelastic trusses based on the ground-structure approach
AS Ramos, GH Paulino
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51, 287-304, 2015
Filtering structures out of ground structures–a discrete filtering tool for structural design optimization
AS Ramos, GH Paulino
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 54, 95-116, 2016
Macroelement and macropatch approaches to structural topology optimization using the ground structure method
X Zhang, S Maheshwari, AS Ramos Jr, GH Paulino
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (11), 04016090, 2016
Material nonlinear topology optimization considering the von Mises criterion through an asymptotic approach: Max strain energy and max load factor formulations
T Zhao, AS Ramos Jr, GH Paulino
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 118 (13), 804-828, 2019
Multimaterial topology optimization with multiple volume constraints: Combining the ZPR update with a ground‐structure algorithm to select a single material per overlapping set
XS Zhang, GH Paulino, AS Ramos Jr
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 114 (10), 1053-1073, 2018
A maximum filter for the ground structure method: An optimization tool to harness multiple structural designs
ED Sanders, AS Ramos Jr, GH Paulino
Engineering Structures 151, 235-252, 2017
Topology optimization of tension-only cable nets under finite deformations
ED Sanders, AS Ramos, GH Paulino
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 62, 559-579, 2020
Stochastic particle packing with specified granulometry and porosity
AC Frery, L Rivarola-Duarte, VCL Ramos, AS Ramos, WWM Lira
Granular Matter 14, 27-36, 2012
Topology optimization considering the Drucker–Prager criterion with a surrogate nonlinear elastic constitutive model
T Zhao, EN Lages, AS Ramos Jr, GH Paulino
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 62 (6), 3205-3227, 2020
On structural topology optimization considering material nonlinearity: plane strain versus plane stress solutions
H Chi, DL Ramos, AS Ramos Jr, GH Paulino
Advances in Engineering Software 131, 217-231, 2019
Topology optimization with design-dependent loading: An adaptive sensitivity-separation design variable update scheme
Y Jiang, AS Ramos Jr, GH Paulino
Struct Multidiscip Optim. Accepted, 2021
Aplicação do método de elementos discretos na análise de estabilidade de taludes
EL do Nascimento, HC Júnior, AS Ramos
Reliability analysis of vertical wellbore drilling in salt rocks
KRM dos Santos, AS Ramos Jr
International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry …, 2012
Nonlinear dynamic structural optimization of offshore structures using equiv-alent static models
GR Domingos, EN Lages, AS Ramos Jr, AT Oshiro, MC Oliveira
XLIV Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering 5 …, 2023
A smooth maximum regularization approach for robust topology optimization in the ground structure setting
E Alcazar, LF Oliveira, F Vasconcelos Senhora, AS Ramos Jr, ...
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 67 (8), 136, 2024
Simulation of fresh concrete slump test with the Material Point Method
LT Ferreira, TPS Lobo, RA Fernandes, LGO Lopes, LF Oliveira, ...
XLIV Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering 5 …, 2023
Topology optimization tools applied to the design of anchor systems in offshore structures
GR Domingos, AS Ramos Jr
XLI Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering 2 (02), 2020
Closure to “Macroelement and Macropatch Approaches to Structural Topology Optimization Using the Ground Structure Method” by Xiaojia Zhang, Sushant Maheshwari, Adeildo S. Ramos …
XS Zhang, S Maheshwari, AS Ramos Jr, GH Paulino
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (10), 07018009, 2018
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