Agustinho Plucenio
Agustinho Plucenio
Professor: Fundação Assis Gurgacz; UFSC(voluntário), CEO Firenze Consulting in Engineering and IT
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A practical approach to predictive control for nonlinear processes
A Plucenio, DJ Pagano, AH Bruciapaglia, JE Normey-Rico
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (12), 210-215, 2007
An automation system for gas-lifted oil wells: Model identification, control, and optimization
E Camponogara, A Plucenio, AF Teixeira, SRV Campos
Journal of petroleum science and engineering 70 (3-4), 157-167, 2010
Gas-lift optimization and control with nonlinear mpc
A Plucenio, DJ Pagano, E Camponogara, A Traple, A Teixeira
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (11), 904-909, 2009
Desenvolvimento de técnicas de controle não linear para elevação de fluidos multifásicos
A Plucenio
A new discrete slug-flow controller for production pipeline risers
ME Stasiak, DJ Pagano, A Plucenio
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (8), 122-127, 2012
Stabilizing gas-lift well dynamics with free operating point
A Plucenio, CA Ganzaroli, DJ Pagano
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (8), 95-100, 2012
Improving robustness and disturbance rejection performance with industrial MPC
DM Lima, JE Normey-Rico, A Plucênio, TLM Santos, MVC Gomes
Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Belo Horizonte, MG, 3229-3236, 2014
Disturbance estimator based nonlinear MPC of a three phase separator
PRC Mendes, JE Normey-Rico, A Plucenio, RL Carvalho
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (15), 101-106, 2012
Compressor scheduling in oil fields: A piecewise-linear formulation
E Camponogara, MP de Castro, A Plucenio
2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2007
Compressor scheduling in oil fields: Piecewise-linear formulation, valid inequalities, and computational analysis
E Camponogara, MP de Castro, A Plucenio, DJ Pagano
Optimization and Engineering 12 (1), 153-174, 2011
Scheduling dynamically positioned tankers for offshore oil offloading
E Camponogara, A Plucenio
International Journal of Production Research 52 (24), 7251-7261, 2014
Identification of polinomial NARMAX models for an oil well operating by continuous gas-lift
DJ Pagano, V Dallagnol Filho, A Plucenio
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (2), 1113-1118, 2006
Stabilization and optimization of an oil well network operating with continuous gas lift
A Plucenio
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 2002
Automação da produção de poços de petróleo operando com elevação artificial por injeção contínua de gás
A Plucenio
Florianópolis, SC, 2003
Controlling oscillations and re-starting operations in gas-lift wells
DJ Pagano, A Plucenio, A Traple, CA Gonzaga
Proc. XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Juiz de Fora, Brasil, 2008
Practical non-linear model predictive control pnmpc: Algorithm implementations
BP Yang, A Plucenio, DA e Sistemas
CBA, 2016
A control strategy for an oil well operating via gas lift
A Plucenio, GA Mafra, DJ Pagano
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (2), 1081-1086, 2006
The facility location problem: model, algorithm, and application to compressor allocation
E Camponogara, MP de Castro, A Plucenio
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (2), 247-252, 2006
Aplicação de um scada a uma unidade experimental de coluna de destilação
SG Boff, DJ Pagano, A Plucênio, R Alves
Congresso brasileiro de P & D em petróleo e gás 3, 2005
MPC advanced control of an offshore gas compression system
A Plucenio, J Normey-Rico, C Vettorazzo, MM Campos, ML De Lima
Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, D021S013R002, 2017
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