Caio Tavora Coelho da Costa Rachid
Caio Tavora Coelho da Costa Rachid
Professor do Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes - UFRJ
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Assessment of the microbial diversity of Brazilian kefir grains by PCR-DGGE and pyrosequencing analysis
AMO Leite, B Mayo, CTCC Rachid, RS Peixoto, JT Silva, VMF Paschoalin, ...
Food microbiology 31 (2), 215-221, 2012
Impact of next generation sequencing techniques in food microbiology
B Mayo, C TCC Rachid, Á Alegría, A MO Leite, R S Peixoto, S Delgado
Current genomics 15 (4), 293-309, 2014
Impact of oil spills on coral reefs can be reduced by bioremediation using probiotic microbiota
H Fragoso ados Santos, GAS Duarte, CTCC Rachid, RM Chaloub, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 18268, 2015
Microbiome in the apical root canal system of teeth with post-treatment apical periodontitis
JF Siqueira Jr, HS Antunes, IN Rôças, CTCC Rachid, FRF Alves
PloS one 11 (9), e0162887, 2016
Diversity of thermophilic bacteria in raw, pasteurized and selectively-cultured milk, as assessed by culturing, PCR-DGGE and pyrosequencing
S Delgado, CTCC Rachid, E Fernández, T Rychlik, Á Alegría, RS Peixoto, ...
Food microbiology 36 (1), 103-111, 2013
Clinical antimicrobial efficacy of N i T i rotary instrumentation with N a OC l irrigation, final rinse with chlorhexidine and interappointment medication: a molecular study
SSM Paiva, JF Siqueira Jr, IN Rôças, FL Carmo, DCA Leite, DC Ferreira, ...
International Endodontic Journal 46 (3), 225-233, 2013
Microbial population present in fermented beverage ‘cauim’produced by Brazilian Amerindians
EG Almeida, CCTC Rachid, RF Schwan
International journal of food microbiology 120 (1-2), 146-151, 2007
Molecular microbiological evaluation of passive ultrasonic activation as a supplementary disinfecting step: a clinical study
SSM Paiva, JF Siqueira Jr, IN Rôças, FL Carmo, DCA Leite, DC Ferreira, ...
Journal of endodontics 39 (2), 190-194, 2013
Mixed plantations can promote microbial integration and soil nitrate increases with changes in the N cycling genes
CTCC Rachid, FC Balieiro, RS Peixoto, YAS Pinheiro, MC Piccolo, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 66, 146-153, 2013
Microbiome of deep dentinal caries lesions in teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
IN Rôças, FRF Alves, CTCC Rachid, KC Lima, IV Assuncao, PN Gomes, ...
PloS one 11 (5), e0154653, 2016
Effect of sugarcane burning or green harvest methods on the Brazilian Cerrado soil bacterial community structure
CTCC Rachid, AL Santos, MC Piccolo, FC Balieiro, HLC Coutinho, ...
PloS one 8 (3), e59342, 2013
The microbiome of Eucalyptus roots under different management conditions and its potential for biological nitrogen fixation
ES Fonseca, RS Peixoto, AS Rosado, FC Balieiro, JM Tiedje, ...
Microbial ecology 75 (1), 183-191, 2018
Multi-domain probiotic consortium as an alternative to chemical remediation of oil spills at coral reefs and adjacent sites
DP Silva, HDM Villela, HF Santos, GAS Duarte, JR Ribeiro, AM Ghizelini, ...
Microbiome 9 (1), 118, 2021
Close link between harmful cyanobacterial dominance and associated bacterioplankton in a tropical eutrophic reservoir
IA Guedes, CTCC Rachid, LM Rangel, LHS Silva, PM Bisch, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 424, 2018
Microbial diversity of a Mediterranean soil and its changes after biotransformed dry olive residue amendment
JA Siles, CTCC Rachid, I Sampedro, I Garcia-Romera, JM Tiedje
PloS one 9 (7), e103035, 2014
Intercropped silviculture systems, a key to achieving soil fungal community management in Eucalyptus plantations
CTCC Rachid, FC Balieiro, ES Fonseca, RS Peixoto, GM Chaer, ...
Plos one 10 (2), e0118515, 2015
Clone wars: asexual reproduction dominates in the invasive range of Tubastraea spp.(Anthozoa: Scleractinia) in the South-Atlantic Ocean
KCC Capel, RJ Toonen, CTCC Rachid, JC Creed, MV Kitahara, ...
PeerJ 5, e3873, 2017
Physical-chemical and microbiological changes in Cerrado Soil under differing sugarcane harvest management systems
CTCC Rachid, MC Piccolo, DCA Leite, FC Balieiro, HLC Coutinho, ...
BMC microbiology 12, 1-11, 2012
Revealing the bacterial profile of an anoxic-aerobic moving-bed biofilm reactor system treating a chemical industry wastewater
JP Bassin, CTCC Rachid, C Vilela, SMS Cao, RS Peixoto, M Dezotti
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 120, 152-160, 2017
Root canal microbiome associated with asymptomatic apical periodontitis as determined by high-throughput sequencing
RR Amaral, T Braga, JF Siqueira Jr, IN Rôças, CTC da Costa Rachid, ...
Journal of Endodontics 48 (4), 487-495, 2022
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