Guilherme Frainer
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Postnatal development of franciscana's (Pontoporia blainvillei) biosonar relevant structures with potential implications for function, life history, and bycatch
G Frainer, S Huggenberger, IB Moreno
Marine Mammal Science 31 (3), 1193-1212, 2015
HydroMoth: Testing a prototype low‐cost acoustic recorder for aquatic environments
TAC Lamont, L Chapuis, B Williams, S Dines, T Gridley, G Frainer, ...
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 8 (3), 362-378, 2022
A wandering Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) at Trindade Island, Brazil: the extreme sighting of a circumpolar species
G Frainer, VL Heissler, IB Moreno
Polar Biology 41, 579-582, 2018
Sound Generating Structures of the Humpback Dolphin Sousa plumbea (Cuvier, 1829) and the Directionality in Dolphin Sounds
G Frainer, S Plön, NB Serpa, IB Moreno, S Huggenberger
The Anatomical Record 302 (6), 849-860, 2019
Ontogeny and evolution of the sound-generating structures in the infraorder Delphinida (Odontoceti: Delphinida)
G Frainer, IB Moreno, N Serpa, A Galatius, D Wiedermann, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128 (3), 700-724, 2019
Diagnóstico ambiental do estuário do rio Tramandaí, litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
YR Camargo, M Dal Forno, DR Dorneles, G Frainer, EB Ilha, CT Rigon, ...
Revista CEPSUL-Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha 9, e2020002-e2020002, 2020
Franciscana calls for help: the short and long-term effects of Mariana’s disaster on small cetaceans of South-eastern Brazil
G Frainer, S Siciliano, DC Tavares
Sei whales, Balaenoptera borealis, in the South-Western Atlantic Ocean: the discovery of a calving ground in Brazilian waters
VL Heissler, KB Amaral, N Serpa, G Frainer, S Siciliano, ER Secchi, ...
66th International Whaling Commission Meeting, Oct, 20-28, 2016
Head adaptation for sound production and feeding strategy in dolphins (Odontoceti: Delphinida)
G Frainer, S Huggenberger, IB Moreno, A Galatius
Journal of anatomy, 2020
Aberrantly plumaged White-chinned Petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis in the Brazilian waters, south-west Atlantic Ocean
G Frainer, NW Daudt, CJ Carlos
Marine Biodiversity Records 8, e103, 2015
Museum specimens reveal a rare new characid fish genus, helping to refine the interrelationships of the Probolodini (Characidae: Stethaprioninae)
G Frainer, FR Carvalho, VÍCA Bertaco, LR Malabarba
Systematics and Biodiversity 19 (8), 1135-1148, 2021
Automatic detection and taxonomic identification of dolphin vocalisations using convolutional neural networks for passive acoustic monitoring
G Frainer, E Dufourq, J Fearey, S Dines, R Probert, S Elwen, T Gridley
Ecological Informatics 78, 102291, 2023
Rostrum abnormalities in the endangered Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) in South Africa
G Frainer, S Elwen, S Dines, B James, E Vermeulen, G Penry, ...
Integrative Zoology 18 (4), 616-629, 2023
Dorsal fin and hump vascular anatomy in the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) and the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)
S Plön, G Frainer, A Wedderburn-Maxwell, G Cliff, S Huggenberger
Mar. Mamm. Sci 35, 684-695, 2018
Leaping into the future: Current application and future direction of computer vision and artificial intelligence in marine sciences in South Africa
C da Silva, T Samaai, S Kerwath, L Adams, K Watson, A Bernard, ...
Research Ideas and Outcomes 9, e112231, 2023
Behavioral repertoire of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins that interact with artisanal fishers
N Serpa, G Frainer, B dos Santos, G A. Bortolotto, I B. Moreno
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78 (3), 31, 2024
Echo-devo: Ontogeny and evolution of the sound generating structures in dolphins (Odontoceti: Delphinida) Guilherme Frainer, Ignacio Benites Moreno, Anders Galatius, Nathalia …
G Frainer, IB Moreno, A Galatius, N Serpa, S Huggenberger, ...
Sob os nossos olhos: desvendando o comportamento dos botos da barra (Tursiops Gephyreus) a partir da perspectiva aérea
NB Serpa, G Frainer, CM Gass, B Santos, IMB Moreno
Seminário Desenvolvimento do Litoral Norte em Debate (1.: 2018: Osório, RS …, 2018
“O Projeto Botos da Barra do rio Tramandaí”: aprendizados sobre cooperação, tradição e cultura
IB Moreno, DR Dorneles, YRR de Camargo, NB Serpa, EB Ilha, ...
Revista da Extensão, 56-57, 2018
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