Alice Kozakevicius
Alice Kozakevicius
Professor of Mathematics, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)
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Cited by
An iterative wavelet threshold for signal denoising
FM Bayer, AJ Kozakevicius, RJ Cintra
Signal Processing 162, 10-20, 2019
Single-channel EEG sleep stage classification based on a streamlined set of statistical features in wavelet domain
T Silveira, A Kozakevicius, C Rodrigues
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 1 (1), 10, 2016
Automated drowsiness detection through wavelet packet analysis of a single EEG channel
TLT da Silveira, AJ Kozakevicius, CR Rodrigues
Expert Systems with Applications 55, 559-565, 2016
Adaptive multiresolution WENO schemes for multi-species kinematic flow models
R Bürger, A Kozakevicius
Journal of Computational Physics 224 (2), 1190-1222, 2007
Drowsiness detection for single channel EEG by DWT best m-term approximation
T Silveira, AJ Kozakevicius, CR Rodrigues
Research on Biomedical Engineering 31 (2), 107-115, 2015
Solving a mixture model of two-phase flow with velocity non-equilibrium using WENO wavelet methods
AJ Kozakevicius, D Zeidan, AA Schmidt, S Jakobsson
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 28 (9 …, 2018
An orthogonal 16-point approximate DCT for image and video compression
TLT da Silveira, FM Bayer, RJ Cintra, S Kulasekera, A Madanayake, ...
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 27, 87-104, 2016
Numerical approximation of oscillatory solutions of hyperbolic-elliptic systems of conservation laws by multiresolution schemes
S Berres, R Burger, A Kozakevicius
Sleep Stages Classification Using Spectral Based Statistical Moments as Features
ET Braun, A Kozakevicius, TLT da Silveira, C Rodrigues, G Baratto
Revista de Informática teórica e Aplicada 25 (1), 1-12, 2018
Adaptive ECG filtering and QRS detection using orthogonal wavelet transform
A de Jesus Kozakevicius, CR Rodrigues, RC Nunes, R Guerra Filho
Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, 2005
Pothole detection in asphalt: An automated approach to threshold computation based on the haar wavelet transform
RS Rodrigues, M Pasin, A Kozakevicius, V Monego
2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2019
Multiresolution schemes for strongly degenerate parabolic equations in one space dimension
R Bürger, A Kozakevicius, M Sepúlveda
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2007
Wavelet transform with special boundary treatment for 1D data
A Kozakevicius, AA Schmidt
Computational and Applied Mathematics 32 (3), 447-457, 2013
ENO adaptive method for solving one-dimensional conservation laws
AJ Kozakevicius, LCC Santos
Applied numerical mathematics 59 (9), 2337-2355, 2009
URL query string anomaly sensor designed with the bidimensional Haar wavelet transform
A Kozakevicius, C Cappo, BA Mozzaquatro, RC Nunes, CE Schaerer
International Journal of Information Security 14, 561-581, 2015
SPC-threshold: uma proposta de limiarização para filtragem adaptativa de sinais
FM Bayer, AJ Kozakevicius
Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics 11 (2), 121-132, 2010
On efficiency of combined Daubechies wavelets and statistical parameters applied in mammography
M Asadzadeh, E Hashemi, A Kozakevicius
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Division of Mathematics, Chalmers …, 2012
Splitting wavelet method for solving 2d conservation laws
A de Jesus Kozakevicius, AA Schmidt
AIP Conference Proceedings 1168 (1), 1158-1161, 2009
Detecção de Anomalias em Redes de Computadores e o uso de Wavelets
T Perlin, RC Nunes, A de Jeuss Kozakevicius
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada 3 (1), 2-15, 2011
Weak formulation for delay equations
A de Jesus Kozakevicius, T Kalmár-Nagy
9th Brazilian conference on dynamics, control and their applications, 2010
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Articles 1–20