Eliana de Souza Bastos Mazuqueli Pereira
Eliana de Souza Bastos Mazuqueli Pereira
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Therapeutic effects of citrus flavonoids neohesperidin, hesperidin and its aglycone, hesperetin on bone health
AC Ortiz, SOM Fideles, CHB Reis, MZ Bellini, ESBM Pereira, JPG Pilon, ...
Biomolecules 12 (5), 626, 2022
Photobiomodulation therapy as a possible new approach in COVID-19: A systematic review
BTL de Matos, DV Buchaim, KT Pomini, SM Barbalho, EL Guiguer, ...
Life 11 (6), 580, 2021
Immunological dimensions of neuroinflammation and microglial activation: exploring innovative immunomodulatory approaches to mitigate neuroinflammatory progression
L Fornari Laurindo, J Aparecido Dias, A Cressoni Araujo, K Torres Pomini, ...
Frontiers in Immunology 14, 1305933, 2024
Application of fibrin associated with photobiomodulation as a promising strategy to improve regeneration in tissue engineering: A systematic review
CHB Reis, DV Buchaim, AC Ortiz, SOM Fideles, JA Dias, MA Miglino, ...
Polymers 14 (15), 3150, 2022
Effects of therapy with fibrin glue combined with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on bone regeneration: a systematic review
AC Ortiz, SOM Fideles, KT Pomini, CHB Reis, CRS Bueno, ESBM Pereira, ...
Cells 10 (9), 2323, 2021
Influence of the neuroprotective properties of quercetin on regeneration and functional recovery of the nervous system
SOM Fideles, A de Cássia Ortiz, DV Buchaim, ...
Antioxidants 12 (1), 149, 2023
Photobiomodulation therapy on the guided bone regeneration process in defects filled by biphasic calcium phosphate associated with fibrin biopolymer
BB Della Coletta, TB Jacob, LAC Moreira, KT Pomini, DV Buchaim, ...
Molecules 26 (4), 847, 2021
Effects of a biocomplex formed by two scaffold biomaterials, hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate ceramic and fibrin biopolymer, with photobiomodulation, on bone repair
CHB Reis, RL Buchaim, KT Pomini, AL Hamzé, IV Zattiti, MAH Duarte, ...
Polymers 14 (10), 2075, 2022
Potential of fibrin glue and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to regenerate nerve injuries: a systematic review
AC Ortiz, SOM Fideles, KT Pomini, MZ Bellini, ESBM Pereira, CHB Reis, ...
Cells 11 (2), 221, 2022
Morphofunctional improvement of the facial nerve and muscles with repair using heterologous fibrin biopolymer and photobiomodulation
CRS Bueno, MCC Tonin, DV Buchaim, B Barraviera, RSF Junior, ...
Pharmaceuticals 16 (5), 653, 2023
Glycolipid metabolic disorders, metainflammation, oxidative stress, and cardiovascular diseases: unraveling pathways
EP de Lima, RC Moretti Jr, K Torres Pomini, LF Laurindo, KP Sloan, ...
Biology 13 (7), 519, 2024
Photobiomodulation inhibits inflammation in the temporomandibular joint of rats
ESBM Pereira, RT Basting, HB Abdalla, AS Garcez, MH Napimoga, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 222, 112281, 2021
O cirurgião-dentista em âmbito hospitalar viabilizando a melhoria da qualidade de vida do paciente
T da Silva Emidio, FL Toledo, LA Mariotto, ESBM Pereira, ...
Brazilian Journal of Development 7 (3), 30711-30722, 2021
In vivo study of nasal bone reconstruction with collagen, elastin and chitosan membranes in abstainer and alcoholic rats
FE Pandini, FMM Kubo, AMG Plepis, VCA Martins, MR Da Cunha, ...
Polymers 14 (1), 188, 2022
In vivo biological behavior of polymer scaffolds of natural origin in the bone repair process
FB Cunha, KT Pomini, AMG Plepis, VCA Martins, EG Machado, ...
Molecules 26 (6), 1598, 2021
Indicações cirúrgicas de deslocamento do disco articular da articulação temporomandibular
EGS Vilar, ESBM Pereira, RG Eleutério, BFM Trazzi, WS da Silva
Brazilian Journal of Health Review 3 (5), 13790-13809, 2020
Biological Behavior of Xenogenic Scaffolds in Alcohol-Induced Rats: Histomorphometric and Picrosirius Red Staining Analysis
DMB Nogueira, ALF Figadoli, PL Alcantara, KT Pomini, IJ Santos German, ...
Polymers 14 (3), 584, 2022
Effectiveness of ergonomic training to decrease awkward postures during dental scaling procedures: a randomized clinical trial
AV de Santana Sampaio Castilho, E Michel Crosato, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (21), 11217, 2021
Carta Geológica de Angola, à escala 1: 250 000: Folha Sul D-33/T (Chibia)
E Pereira, J Rodrigues, MV Van Dúnem
Publicação do Instituto Geológico de Angola, 2013
Estilo de Vida e qualidade de vida de hipertensos em uma unidade básica de saúde
ES Pereira, GA Abdala, MDD Meira, AC Souza
Revista Sodebras 12 (137), 99-103, 2017
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Artigos 1–20