Michele Dolfi
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Cited by
Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome lattice Mott insulator
B Bauer, L Cincio, BP Keller, M Dolfi, G Vidal, S Trebst, AWW Ludwig
Nature communications 5 (1), 5137, 2014
An efficient matrix product operator representation of the quantum chemical Hamiltonian
S Keller, M Dolfi, M Troyer, M Reiher
The Journal of chemical physics 143 (24), 2015
Matrix product state applications for the ALPS project
M Dolfi, B Bauer, S Keller, A Kosenkov, T Ewart, A Kantian, T Giamarchi, ...
Computer Physics Communications 185 (12), 3430-3440, 2014
Doclaynet: A large human-annotated dataset for document-layout segmentation
B Pfitzmann, C Auer, M Dolfi, AS Nassar, P Staar
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery and …, 2022
Corpus conversion service: A machine learning platform to ingest documents at scale
PWJ Staar, M Dolfi, C Auer, C Bekas
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2018
Pair correlations in doped Hubbard ladders
M Dolfi, B Bauer, S Keller, M Troyer
Physical Review B 92 (19), 195139, 2015
Multigrid algorithms for tensor network states
M Dolfi, B Bauer, M Troyer, Z Ristivojevic
Physical review letters 109 (2), 020604, 2012
Digital image-based document digitization using a graph model
PWJ Staar, M Dolfi, C Auer, L Georgopoulos, K Bekas
US Patent 10,885,323, 2021
Minimizing nonadiabaticities in optical-lattice loading
M Dolfi, A Kantian, B Bauer, M Troyer
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033407, 2015
Robust pdf document conversion using recurrent neural networks
N Livathinos, C Berrospi, M Lysak, V Kuropiatnyk, A Nassar, A Carvalho, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (17), 15137 …, 2021
Understanding repulsively mediated superconductivity of correlated electrons via massively parallel density matrix renormalization group
A Kantian, M Dolfi, M Troyer, T Giamarchi
Physical Review B 100 (7), 075138, 2019
Hybridization expansion Monte Carlo simulation of multi-orbital quantum impurity problems: matrix product formalism and improved sampling
H Shinaoka, M Dolfi, M Troyer, P Werner
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (6), P06012, 2014
FETA: Towards specializing foundational models for expert task applications
A Alfassy, A Arbelle, O Halimi, S Harary, R Herzig, E Schwartz, R Panda, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 29873-29888, 2022
Corpus processing service: a knowledge graph platform to perform deep data exploration on corpora
PWJ Staar, M Dolfi, C Auer
Applied AI Letters 1 (2), e20, 2020
An information extraction and knowledge graph platform for accelerating biochemical discoveries
M Manica, C Auer, V Weber, F Zipoli, M Dolfi, P Staar, T Laino, C Bekas, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.08400, 2019
Circulating superoxide dismutase concentrations in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA): a systematic review and meta-analysis
MC Pau, AA Mangoni, E Zinellu, G Pintus, C Carru, AG Fois, P Pirina, ...
Antioxidants 10 (11), 1764, 2021
A model project for reproducible papers: critical temperature for the Ising model on a square lattice
M Dolfi, J Gukelberger, A Hehn, J Imriška, K Pakrouski, TF Rønnow, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.2000, 2014
Delivering Document Conversion as a Cloud Service with High Throughput and Responsiveness
C Auer, M Dolfi, A Carvalho, CB Ramis, PWJ Staar
2022 IEEE 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 363-373, 2022
Translating a natural language query into a formal data query
PWJ Staar, M Dolfi, C Auer, L Georgopoulos, A Sobczyk, TJ Baccaert, ...
US Patent 11,086,861, 2021
ICDAR 2023 competition on robust layout segmentation in corporate documents
C Auer, A Nassar, M Lysak, M Dolfi, N Livathinos, P Staar
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 471-482, 2023
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Articles 1–20