Baltaretu Adriana
Baltaretu Adriana
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Talking about relations: Factors influencing the production of relational descriptions
A Baltaretu, EJ Krahmer, C van Wijk, A Maes
Frontiers in psychology 7, 103, 2016
Task demands and individual variation in referring expressions
A Baltaretu, TC Ferreira
Proceedings of the 9th International Natural Language Generation conference …, 2016
Improving route directions: The role of intersection type and visual clutter for spatial reference
A Baltaretu, E Krahmer, A Maes
Applied Cognitive Psychology 29 (5), 647-660, 2015
When criminals blow up... balloons. Associative and combinatorial information in the generation of on-line predictions in language.
A Baltaretu, CG Chambers
CogSci, 2018
Producing Referring Expressions in Identification Tasks and Route Directions: What’s the Difference?
A Baltaretu, E Krahmer, A Maes
Discourse Processes 56 (2), 136-154, 2019
Landmarks on the move: Producing and understanding references to moving landmarks
A Baltaretu, E Krahmer, A Maes
Spatial Cognition & Computation 17 (3), 199-221, 2017
Factors influencing the choice of relatum in referring expressions generation: animacy vs. position
A Baltaretu, E Krahmer, A Maes
Production of referring expressions: bridging the gap between cognitive and …, 2013
When criminals blow up... balloons. Associative and combinatorial information in older and younger listeners' generation of on-line predictions
AA Baltaretu, CG Chambers
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 40, 2018
Landmarks in motion: Unstable entities in route directions
A Baltaretu, E Krahmer, A Maes
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2015
Speaking of landmarks: How visual information influences reference in spatial domains
AA Băltăreţu
Referential choice in identification and route directions
A Baltaretu, E Krahmer, A Maes
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 38, 2016
Moving targets: human references to unstable landmarks
A Baltaretu, E Krahmer, A Maes
ENLG 2015, 48, 2015
Power metaphor as size difference
AA Baltaretu, J Schilperoord, G Salami
5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 2014
Designing context aware instructions: Perceptual salience and task demands in the selection of natural landmarks
AA Baltaretu, EJ Krahmer, A Maes
EARLI SIG2: Comprehension of Text and Graphics, 2014
Following route directions: The role of landmark reference, intersection type and visual clutter
AA Baltaretu, EJ Krahmer, A Maes
RefNet Workshop on Psychological and Computational Models of Reference …, 2014
Route descriptions: the role of intersection type and visual clutter for spatial reference
AA Baltaretu, EJ Krahmer, A Maes
Spatial Cognition 2014, 2014
Mere presence, object orientation and perspective taking
A Baltaretu, A Maes, C van Wijk
Proceedings of the Bi-Annual Conference of EARLI Special Interest Group …, 2012
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Articles 1–17