Disciplina de Cirurgia Geral e Trauma do Departamento de Cirurgia da FMUSP
Disciplina de Cirurgia Geral e Trauma do Departamento de Cirurgia da FMUSP
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Diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy for penetrating abdominal trauma: a multicenter experience
LF Zantut, RR Ivatury, RS Smith, NT Kawahara, JM Porter, WR Fry, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 42 (5), 825-831, 1997
A computerized tomography scan method for calculating the hernia sac and abdominal cavity volume in complex large incisional hernia with loss of domain
EY Tanaka, JH Yoo, AJ Rodrigues, EM Utiyama, D Birolini, S Rasslan
Hernia 14, 63-69, 2010
The role of associated injuries on outcome of blunt trauma patients sustaining pelvic fractures
JG Parreira, R Coimbra, S Rasslan, A Oliveira, M Fregoneze, ...
Injury 31 (9), 677-682, 2000
Hypertonic solutions in the treatment of hypovolemic shock: a prospective, randomized study in patients admitted to the emergency room
RN Younes, F Aun, CQ Accioly, LPL Casale, I Szajnbok, D Birolini
Surgery 111 (4), 380-385, 1992
Elective colonic operation and prosthetic repair of incisional hernia: does contamination contraindicate abdominal wall prosthesis use?
C Birolini, EM Utiyama, AJ Rodrigues Jr, D Birolini
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 191 (4), 366-372, 2000
Standard examination system for laparoscopy in penetrating abdominal trauma
NT Kawahara, C Alster, I Fujimura, RS Poggetti, D Birolini
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 67 (3), 589-595, 2009
Morbimortality indicators in severe acute pancreatitis
T De Campos, C Cerqueira, L Kuryura, JG Parreira, S Soldá, ...
Jop 9 (6), 690-7, 2008
Hypertonic saline improves tissue oxygenation and reduces systemic and pulmonary inflammatory response caused by hemorrhagic shock
V Gurfinkel, RS Poggetti, B Fontes, FCF Novo, D Birolini
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 54 (6), 1137-1145, 2003
Acute appendicitis, inflammatory appendiceal mass and the risk of a hidden malignant tumor: a systematic review of the literature
FJR Teixeira, SD Couto Netto, EH Akaishi, EM Utiyama, CAM Menegozzo, ...
World Journal of Emergency Surgery 12, 1-12, 2017
Effect of low-dose gaseous ozone on pathogenic bacteria
B Fontes, AM Cattani Heimbecker, G de Souza Brito, SF Costa, ...
BMC infectious diseases 12, 1-6, 2012
Prognostic factors to predict outcome following the administration of hypertonic/hyperoncotic solution in hypovolemic patients
RN Younes, F Aun, CT Ching, DC Goldenberg, MH Franco, FK Miura, ...
Shock 7 (2), 79-83, 1997
Can we respect the principles of oncologic resection in an emergency surgery to treat colon cancer?
F Teixeira, EH Akaishi, AZ Ushinohama, TC Dutra, SDC Netto, ...
World Journal of Emergency Surgery 10, 1-5, 2015
The role of lung innervation in the hemodynamic response to hypertonic sodium chloride solutions in hemorrhagic shock.
RN Younes, F Aun, RM Tomida, D Birolini
Surgery 98 (5), 900-906, 1985
Spontaneous intramural small bowel hematoma induced by anticoagulant therapy: review and case report
MP Sorbello, EM Utiyama, JG Parreira, D Birolini, S Rasslan
Clinics 62, 785-790, 2007
New concepts in the management of patients with penetrating abdominal wounds
R Ferrada, D Birolini
Surgical Clinics of North America 79 (6), 1331-1356, 1999
Increases in fines and driver licence withdrawal have effectively reduced immediate deaths from trauma on Brazilian roads: first-year report on the new traffic code
LFP de Figueiredo, S Rasslan, V Bruscagin, R Cruz Jr, MR e Silva
Injury 32 (2), 91-94, 2001
Evaluation of gastric greater curvature invagination for weight loss in rats
PEB Fusco, RS Poggetti, RN Younes, B Fontes, D Birolini
Obesity surgery 16 (2), 172-177, 2006
Trauma in pregnant women: analysis of maternal and fetal mortality
PR Corsi, S Rasslan, LB de Oliveira, FS Kronfly, VP Marinho
Injury 30 (4), 239-243, 1999
Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava: Survival rate following radical resection
FJR Teixeira, SD do Couto Netto, ALF Perina, F Torricelli, ...
Oncology letters 14 (4), 3909-3916, 2017
Comparison of anterior gastric wall and greater gastric curvature invaginations for weight loss in rats
PEB Fusco, RS Poggetti, RN Younes, B Fontes, D Birolini
Obesity Surgery 17, 1340-1345, 2007
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