Jonathan Kress
Jonathan Kress
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Completeness of superintegrability in two-dimensional constant-curvature spaces
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, GS Pogosyan, W Miller Jr
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (22), 4705, 2001
Superintegrable systems in Darboux spaces
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Jr, P Winternitz
Journal of Mathematical Physics 44 (12), 5811-5848, 2003
Second-order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. I. Two-dimensional classical structure theory
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Jr
Journal of mathematical physics 46 (5), 053509, 2005
Superintegrability in a two-dimensional space of nonconstant curvature
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, P Winternitz
Journal of Mathematical Physics 43 (2), 970-983, 2002
Second order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. II. The classical two-dimensional Stäckel transform
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
Journal of mathematical physics 46 (5), 2005
Second order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. IV. The classical 3D Stäckel transform and 3D classification theory
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
Journal of mathematical physics 47 (4), 2006
Second-order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. V. Two-and three-dimensional quantum systems
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
Journal of mathematical physics 47 (9), 2006
Second order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. III. 3D classical structure theory
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Jr
Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 10507, 0
Superintegrability and higher order integrals for quantum systems
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (26), 265205, 2010
Separation of variables and superintegrability: the symmetry of solvable systems
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
IOP Publishing, 2018
A recurrence relation approach to higher order quantum superintegrability
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 7, 031, 2011
Debye potentials for Maxwell and Dirac fields from a generalisation of the Killing-Yano equation
IM Benn, P Charlton, J Kress
arXiv preprint gr-qc/9610037, 1996
Observations of the polar magnetic fields during the polarity reversals of cycle 22
HB Snodgrass, JM Kress, PR Wilson
Solar Physics 191, 1-19, 2000
Families of classical subgroup separable superintegrable systems
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (9), 092001, 2010
First-order Dirac symmetry operators
IM Benn, JM Kress
Classical and Quantum Gravity 21 (2), 427, 2003
Equivalence of superintegrable systems in two dimensions
JM Kress
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 70, 560-566, 2007
Fine structure for 3D second-order superintegrable systems: three-parameter potentials
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (22), 5875, 2007
Tools for verifying classical and quantum superintegrability
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 6, 066, 2010
Nondegenerate three-dimensional complex Euclidean superintegrable systems and algebraic varieties
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller
Journal of mathematical physics 48 (11), 2007
Structure theory for second order 2D superintegrable systems with 1-parameter potentials
EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller, S Post
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 5, 008, 2009
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Articles 1–20