Completeness of superintegrability in two-dimensional constant-curvature spaces EG Kalnins, JM Kress, GS Pogosyan, W Miller Jr Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (22), 4705, 2001 | 208 | 2001 |
Superintegrable systems in Darboux spaces EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Jr, P Winternitz Journal of Mathematical Physics 44 (12), 5811-5848, 2003 | 157 | 2003 |
Second-order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. I. Two-dimensional classical structure theory EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Jr Journal of mathematical physics 46 (5), 053509, 2005 | 148 | 2005 |
Superintegrability in a two-dimensional space of nonconstant curvature EG Kalnins, JM Kress, P Winternitz Journal of Mathematical Physics 43 (2), 970-983, 2002 | 144 | 2002 |
Second order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. II. The classical two-dimensional Stäckel transform EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Journal of mathematical physics 46 (5), 2005 | 134 | 2005 |
Second order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. IV. The classical 3D Stäckel transform and 3D classification theory EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Journal of mathematical physics 47 (4), 2006 | 108 | 2006 |
Second-order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. V. Two-and three-dimensional quantum systems EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Journal of mathematical physics 47 (9), 2006 | 104 | 2006 |
Second order superintegrable systems in conformally flat spaces. III. 3D classical structure theory EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Jr Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 10507, 0 | 69* | |
Superintegrability and higher order integrals for quantum systems EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (26), 265205, 2010 | 68 | 2010 |
Separation of variables and superintegrability: the symmetry of solvable systems EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller IOP Publishing, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
A recurrence relation approach to higher order quantum superintegrability EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 7, 031, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Debye potentials for Maxwell and Dirac fields from a generalisation of the Killing-Yano equation IM Benn, P Charlton, J Kress arXiv preprint gr-qc/9610037, 1996 | 55 | 1996 |
Observations of the polar magnetic fields during the polarity reversals of cycle 22 HB Snodgrass, JM Kress, PR Wilson Solar Physics 191, 1-19, 2000 | 51 | 2000 |
Families of classical subgroup separable superintegrable systems EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (9), 092001, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
First-order Dirac symmetry operators IM Benn, JM Kress Classical and Quantum Gravity 21 (2), 427, 2003 | 44 | 2003 |
Equivalence of superintegrable systems in two dimensions JM Kress Physics of Atomic Nuclei 70, 560-566, 2007 | 40 | 2007 |
Fine structure for 3D second-order superintegrable systems: three-parameter potentials EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (22), 5875, 2007 | 38 | 2007 |
Tools for verifying classical and quantum superintegrability EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 6, 066, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
Nondegenerate three-dimensional complex Euclidean superintegrable systems and algebraic varieties EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller Journal of mathematical physics 48 (11), 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
Structure theory for second order 2D superintegrable systems with 1-parameter potentials EG Kalnins, JM Kress, W Miller, S Post SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 5, 008, 2009 | 33 | 2009 |