Elita Scio
Elita Scio
Laboratório de Produtos Naturais Bioativos (LPNB), Departamento de Bioquímica, UFJF
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Antileishmanial and antifungal activity of plants used in traditional medicine in Brazil
FG Braga, MLM Bouzada, RL Fabri, MO Matos, FO Moreira, E Scio, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 111 (2), 396-402, 2007
Hypoglycemic effects of Cecropia pachystachya in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats
DMO Aragão, L Guarize, J Lanini, JC da Costa, RMG Garcia, E Scio
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 128 (3), 629-633, 2010
Anti-inflammatory effects of Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken ethanol extract in acute and chronic cutaneous inflammation
LA Chibli, KCM Rodrigues, CM Gasparetto, NCC Pinto, RL Fabri, E Scio, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 154 (2), 330-338, 2014
Pereskia aculeata Miller leaves present in vivo topical anti-inflammatory activity in models of acute and chronic dermatitis
NCC Pinto, DC Machado, JM da Silva, JLM Conegundes, ACM Gualberto, ...
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 173, 330-337, 2015
Mitracarpus frigidus aerial parts exhibited potent antimicrobial, antileishmanial, and antioxidant effects
RL Fabri, MS Nogueira, FG Braga, ES Coimbra, E Scio
Bioresource Technology 100 (1), 428-433, 2009
Antibacterial, cytotoxic and phytochemical screening of some traditional medicinal plants in Brazil
MLM Bouzada, RL Fabri, M Nogueira, TUP Konno, GG Duarte, E Scio
Pharmaceutical Biology 47 (1), 44-52, 2009
The Biological Activities and Chemical Composition of Pereskia Species (Cactaceae)—A Review
N de Castro Campos Pinto, E Scio
Plant foods for human nutrition 69, 189-195, 2014
Antimicrobial Annona muricata L.(soursop) extract targets the cell membranes of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
N de CC Pinto, LM Campos, ACS Evangelista, ASO Lemos, TP Silva, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 107, 332-340, 2017
Potencial antioxidante e antimicrobiano de espécies da família Asteraceae
RL Fabri, MS Nogueira, LB Dutra, MLM Bouzada, E Scio
Revista brasileira de plantas medicinais 13, 183-189, 2011
Antifungal Activity of the Natural Coumarin Scopoletin Against Planktonic Cells and Biofilms From a Multidrug-Resistant Candida tropicalis Strain
ASO Lemos, JR Florêncio, NCC Pinto, LM Campos, TP Silva, RM Grazul, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1525, 2020
Pereskia aculeata: A plant food with antinociceptive activity
NCC Pinto, APDN Duque, NR Pacheco, RF Mendes, EVDS Motta, ...
Pharmaceutical biology 53 (12), 1780-1785, 2015
Diterpenes from Alomia myriadenia (Asteraceae) with cytotoxic and trypanocidal activity
E Scio, A Ribeiro, TMA Alves, AJ Romanha, JD de Souza Filho, ...
Phytochemistry 64 (6), 1125-1131, 2003
Pereskia aculeata Miller leaves accelerate excisional wound healing in mice
NCC Pinto, P Cassini-Vieira, EM de Souza-Fagundes, LS Barcelos, ...
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 194, 131-136, 2016
The use of HRP in decolorization of reactive dyes and toxicological evaluation of their products
MR da Silva, LRV de Sá, C Russo, E Scio, VS Ferreira-Leitão
Enzyme research 2010 (1), 703824, 2010
In vivo wound healing activity of gels containing Cecropia pachystachya leaves
APN Duque, NCC Pinto, RF Mendes, JM da Silva, DMO Aragão, ...
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 68 (1), 128-138, 2016
Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activities of Psychorubrin, a Pyranonaphthoquinone Isolated From Mitracarpus frigidus (Rubiaceae)
ASO Lemos, LM Campos, L Melo, MCMR Guedes, LG Oliveira, TP Silva, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 724, 2018
Cecropia pachystachya: A Species with Expressive In Vivo Topical Anti‐Inflammatory and In Vitro Antioxidant Effects
NR Pacheco, NCC Pinto, J Mello da Silva, RF Mendes, JC Costa, ...
BioMed Research International 2014 (1), 301294, 2014
Cytotoxic and antioxidant activity of Pereskia aculeata Miller
NCC Pinto, RC Santos, DC Machado, JR Florêncio, EMZ Fagundes, ...
Pharmacologyonline 3 (9), 63-69, 2012
Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of some plant extracts
E Scio, RF Mendes, EVS Motta, PMQ Bellozi, DMO Aragão, J Mello, ...
Phytochemicals as Nutraceuticals-Global Approaches to Their Role in …, 2012
Anti-inflammatory, laxative and intestinal motility effects of Senna macranthera leaves
L Guarize, JC da Costa, LB Dutra, RF Mendes, IVA Lima, E Scio
Natural product research 26 (4), 331-343, 2012
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Articles 1–20