Hermano Tavares
Hermano Tavares
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, USP
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Brief communications: Gender differences in gambling progression
H Tavares, ML Zilberman, FJ Beites, V Gentil
Journal of gambling studies 17, 151-159, 2001
Substance use disorders: sex differences and psychiatric comorbidities
ML Zilberman, H Tavares, SB Blume, N El-Guebaly
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 48 (1), 5-13, 2003
Responsible gambling: General principles and minimal requirements
A Blaszczynski, P Collins, D Fong, R Ladouceur, L Nower, HJ Shaffer, ...
Journal of gambling Studies 27, 565-573, 2011
Felicidade: uma revisão
RB Ferraz, H Tavares, ML Zilberman
Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo) 34, 234-242, 2007
Factors at play in faster progression for female pathological gamblers: An exploratory analysis
H Tavares, SS Martins, DSS Lobo, CM Silveira, V Gentil, DC Hodgins
Journal of clinical psychiatry 64 (4), 433-438, 2003
Gender similarities and differences: The prevalence and course of alcohol and other substance—related disorders
M Zilberman, H Tavares, N El-Guebaly
Journal of addictive diseases 22 (4), 61-74, 2004
Pathological gambling, gender, and risk-taking behaviors
SS Martins, H Tavares, DS da Silva Lobo, AM Galetti, V Gentil
Addictive behaviors 29 (6), 1231-1235, 2004
Tradução e adaptação cultural da Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) para aplicação em adultos brasileiros
LF Malloy-Diniz, P Mattos, WB Leite, N Abreu, G Coutinho, JJ Paula, ...
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria 59, 99-105, 2010
Comparison of craving between pathological gamblers and alcoholics
H Tavares, ML Zilberman, DC Hodgins, N El‐Guebaly
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 29 (8), 1427-1431, 2005
Self-reported and neuropsychological measures of impulsivity in pathological gambling
D Fuentes, H Tavares, R Artes, C Gorenstein
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 12 (6), 907-912, 2006
Compulsive features in behavioural addictions: the case of pathological gambling
N el‐Guebaly, T Mudry, J Zohar, H Tavares, MN Potenza
Addiction 107 (10), 1726-1734, 2012
Relationship between craving and personality in treatment-seeking women with substance-related disorders
ML Zilberman, H Tavares, N El-Guebaly
BMC psychiatry 3, 1-5, 2003
Increased phospholipase A2 activity in schizophrenia with absent response to niacin
H Tavares Jr, J Yacubian, LL Talib, NR Barbosa, WF Gattaz
Schizophrenia research 61 (1), 1-6, 2003
Dopamine genes and pathological gambling in discordant sib-pairs
D Sabbatini da Silva Lobo, HP Vallada, J Knight, SS Martins, H Tavares, ...
Journal of Gambling Studies 23, 421-433, 2007
Avaliação da equivalência semântica e consistência interna de uma versão em português do Internet Addiction Test (IAT)
MA Conti, AP Jardim, N Hearst, TA Cordás, H Tavares, CN Abreu
Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo) 39, 106-110, 2012
A comparison of craving and emotional states between pathological gamblers and alcoholics
V de Castro, T Fong, RJ Rosenthal, H Tavares
Addictive behaviors 32 (8), 1555-1564, 2007
Compulsive buying disorder: a review and a case vignette
H Tavares, DSS Lobo, D Fuentes, DW Black
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 30, S16-S23, 2008
Patients with mild to moderate body dysmorphic disorder may benefit from rhinoplasty
GAA Felix, MJA de Brito, FX Nahas, H Tavares, TA Cordás, GM Dini, ...
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 67 (5), 646-654, 2014
Pathological love: is it a new psychiatric disorder?
EC Sophia, H Tavares, ML Zilberman
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 29, 55-62, 2007
Gamblers seeking treatment: Why haven't they come earlier?
H Tavares, SS Martins, ML Zilberman, N El-Guebaly
Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment 1 (2), 65-69, 2002
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Articles 1–20