Ana Paula Chaves
Cited by
Cited by
How should my chatbot interact? A survey on social characteristics in human–chatbot interaction design
AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 37 (8), 729-758, 2021
Software platforms for smart cities: Concepts, requirements, challenges, and a unified reference architecture
EFZ Santana, AP Chaves, MA Gerosa, F Kon, DS Milojicic
ACM Computing Surveys (Csur) 50 (6), 1-37, 2017
The power of bots: Characterizing and understanding bots in oss projects
M Wessel, BM De Souza, I Steinmacher, IS Wiese, I Polato, AP Chaves, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-19, 2018
Why do newcomers abandon open source software projects?
I Steinmacher, I Wiese, AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
2013 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software …, 2013
Awareness support in distributed software development: A systematic review and mapping of the literature
I Steinmacher, AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 22, 113-158, 2013
Single or multiple conversational agents? An interactional coherence comparison
AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
Awareness support in global software development: a systematic review based on the 3C collaboration model
I Steinmacher, AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
Collaboration and Technology: 16th International Conference, CRIWG 2010 …, 2010
Preliminary empirical identification of barriers faced by newcomers to Open Source Software projects
I Steinmacher, AP Chaves, TU Conte, MA Gerosa
2014 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 51-60, 2014
Chatbots language design: The influence of language variation on user experience with tourist assistant chatbots
AP Chaves, J Egbert, T Hocking, E Doerry, MA Gerosa
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 29 (2), 1-38, 2022
It's how you say it: Identifying appropriate register for chatbot language design
AP Chaves, E Doerry, J Egbert, M Gerosa
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction …, 2019
The UbiBus project: Using context and ubiquitous computing to build advanced public transportation systems to support bus passengers
V Vieira, AC Salgado, P Tedesco, V Times, C Ferraz, E Huzita, ...
Anais do VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 507-512, 2012
Social networks and collective intelligence applied to public transportation systems: A survey
AP Chaves, I Steinmacher, V Vieira
Viii Sbsc, 16-23, 2011
Ontodisenv1: an ontology to support global software development
AP Chaves, I Steinmacher, GC Lapasini Leal, EHM Huzita, AB Biasão
CLEI Electronic Journal 14 (2), 2-2, 2011
Newcomers withdrawal in open source software projects: Analysis of hadoop common project
I Steinmacher, IS Wiese, AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
2012 Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems, 65-74, 2012
Um aplicativo baseado em inteligência coletiva para compartilhamento de rotas em redes sociais
LPS Alves, AP Chaves, IF Steinmacher
VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC), Paraty-RJ, 2011
Chatbots language design: the influence of language variation on user experience
AP Chaves, J Egbert, T Hocking, E Doerry, MA Gerosa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11089, 2021
How should my chatbot interact
AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
A survey on human-chatbot interaction design. arXiv preprint arXiv 190402743, 2019
How to find my task? Chatbot to assist newcomers in choosing tasks in OSS projects
LP Serrano Alves, IS Wiese, AP Chaves, I Steinmacher
International Workshop on Chatbot Research and Design, 90-107, 2021
The impact of chatbot linguistic register on user perceptions: a replication study
AP Chaves, MA Gerosa
International Workshop on Chatbot Research and Design, 143-159, 2021
Context-awareness on software artifacts in distributed software development: A systematic review
RL Vivian, EHM Huzita, GC Lapasini Leal, AP Chaves Steinmacher
Collaboration and Technology: 17th International Conference, CRIWG 2011 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20