Research, Society and Development
Research, Society and Development
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Citation statistics: a report from the International Mathematical Union (IMU) in cooperation with the International Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) and …
R Adler, J Ewing, P Taylor
Statistical Science 24 (1), 1-14, 2009
A bifunctional perovskite promoter for polysulfide regulation toward stable lithium–sulfur batteries
L Kong, X Chen, BQ Li, HJ Peng, JQ Huang, J Xie, Q Zhang
Advanced Materials 30 (2), 1705219, 2018
The application of augmented reality in elementary school education
H Hidayat, S Sukmawarti, S Suwanto
Research, Society and Development 10 (3), e14910312823, 2021
Distance Education or Emergency Remote Educational Activity: in search of the missing link of school education in times of COVID-19
CR Joye, MM Moreira, SSD Rocha
Understanding the environmental impact of a mine dam rupture in Brazil: Prospects for remediation
OSH Santos, FC Avellar, M Alves, RC Trindade, MB Menezes, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 48 (2), 439-449, 2019
O ensino a distância no Brasil: alguns apontamentos
SM Fernandes, LG Henn, LB Kist
Research, Society and Development 9 (1), e21911551-e21911551, 2020
Efeito fitoterápico de plantas medicinais sobre a ansiedade: uma breve revisão
MM Bortoluzzi, V Schmitt, CE Mazur
Research, Society and Development 9 (2), 47, 2020
A inclusão de alunos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista no Ensino Fundamental
GC Teodoro, MCS Godinho, AHF Hachimine
Research, Society and Development 1 (2), 127-143, 2016
El clima social familiar y la agresividad en educación primaria: un estudio de caso en Guayaquil-Ecuador
VM Reyes, TRM Salazar, LCV Palacios, CEM Alva, AGS Morales
Research, society and development 8 (11), 248111465, 2019
Tutoring in distance education in times of COVID-19: relevant guidelines
ACLF Camacho, FL Joaquim, HF Menezes, RM Sant’Anna
A Educação a Distância na era digital: tipologia, variações, uso e possibilidades da educação online
SSD Rocha, CR Joye, MM Moreira
Research, Society and Development 9 (6), 89, 2020
Educación para la sostenibilidad: Un nuevo reto para el actual modelo universitario
AF Pérez
Research, Society and development 7 (4), 174165, 2018
A importância do sistema de plantio direto na palha para reestruturação do solo e restauração da matéria orgânica
PEA Salomão, W Kriebel, AA dos Santos, ACE Martins
Research, Society and Development 9 (1), e154911870-e154911870, 2020
David Ausubel's Theory of Meaningful Learning: an analysis of the necessary conditions
JB da Silva
Research, Society and Development 9 (4), 3, 2020
Digital marketing as a tool for innovation and business leverage
AC Marin, AP Junger, FL Moslavacz, JF Souza
Efeito de doses de polímero hidroabsorvente no enraizamento de estacas de amoreira
RA Moreira, JD Ramos, MCM da Cruz, L Villar, OM Hafle
Agrarian 3 (8), 133-139, 2010
Perfil epidemiológico do diabetes mellitus na região nordeste do Brasil
JL Macedo, ASSS Oliveira, IC Pereira, ER Reis, MJS Magalhães
Research, Society and Development 8 (3), 25, 2019
Perfil epidemiológico das hepatites virais no Brasil
MVF Timóteo, FJ da Rocha Araujo, KCP Martins, HR da Silva, ...
Research, Society and development 9 (6), e29963231-e29963231, 2020
Controvérsias e consensos em educação ambiental e educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável
LM Barreto, MTM Vilaça
Research, Society and Development 7 (5), e975167, 2018
Uso inteligente de recursos naturais e sustentabilidade na construção civil
RAL Roque, AC Pierri
Research, society and development 8 (2), e3482703-e3482703, 2019
O sistema não pode executar a operação agora. Tente novamente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20