André Luís Brasil Cavalcante
André Luís Brasil Cavalcante
Professor de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Universidade de Brasília
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Efficient approach to solving transient unsaturated flow problems. I: Analytical solutions
ALB Cavalcante, JG Zornberg
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (7), 04017013, 2017
Efficient approach in modeling the shear strength of unsaturated soil using soil water retention curve
ALB Cavalcante, PVS Mascarenhas
Acta Geotechnica 16 (10), 3177-3186, 2021
Diagnóstico dos resíduos sólidos da atividade de mineração de substâncias não energéticas
APM Silva, JP Viana, ALB Cavalcante
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). Diretoria de Estudos e …, 2012
Representative Elementary Volume Determination for Permeability and Porosity Using Numerical Three-Dimensional Experiments in Microtomography Data
LC de S. M. Ozelim, ALB Cavalcante
International Journal of Geomechanics 18 (2), 04017154 18 (2), 2018
Cellular Automata and X-Ray Microcomputed Tomography Images for Generating Artificial Porous Media
EH Zubeldia, LCDESM Ozelim, ALB Cavalcante, S Crestana
International Journal of Geomechanics, 2015
Efficient approach to solving transient unsaturated flow problems. II: Numerical solutions
ALB Cavalcante, JG Zornberg
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (7), 04017014, 2017
Bimodal Soil–Water Retention Curve and k-Function Model Using Linear Superposition
MBA Costa, ALB Cavalcante
International Journal of Geomechanics 21 (7), 04021116, 2021
Recent advances on solving the three-parameter infiltration equation
PK Swamee, PN Rathie, LC de SM Ozelim, ALB Cavalcante
Journal of Hydrology 509, 188-192, 2014
Combining microtomography, 3D printing, and numerical simulations to study scale effects on the permeability of porous media
LCSM Ozelim, ALB Cavalcante
International Journal of Geomechanics 19 (2), 04018194, 2019
Novel Approach to Consolidation Theory of Structured and Collapsible Soils
LCSM Ozelim, J Camapum de Carvalho, ALB Cavalcante, ...
International Journal of Geomechanics 15 (4), 04014064, 2015
Ambient seismic noise: a continuous source for the dynamic monitoring of landslides
Y Hussain, H Martinez-Carvajal, C Condori, R Uagoda, M Cárdenas-Soto, ...
Terrae Didatica 15, e019012-e019012, 2019
Novel approach to determine soil–water retention surface
MBA Costa, ALB Cavalcante
International Journal of Geomechanics 20 (6), 04020054, 2020
Efeito do gradiente de permeabilidade na estabilidade de barragens de rejeito alteadas pelo método de montante
ALB Cavalcante
Dissertação de Mestrado, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental …, 2000
Modelling the spread of covid-19 in the capital of Brazil using numerical solution and cellular automata
ALB Cavalcante, LP de Faria Borges, MA da Costa Lemos, MM de Farias, ...
Computational biology and chemistry 94, 107554, 2021
Teoria dos Números e Criptografia
ALB Cavalcante
Revista Virtual, 1 - 10, 2005
Modelagem e Simulação do Transporte por Arraste de Sedimentos Heterogêneos Acoplado ao Mecanismo de Tensão-deformação-poropressão Aplicado a Barragens de Rejeitos
ALB Cavalcante
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, DF, 258p, 2004
Prediction of soil water retention curve based on physical characterization parameters using machine learning
EAC Albuquerque, LPF Borges, ALB Cavalcante, SL Machado
Soils and Rocks 45 (3), e2022000222, 2022
Structural health monitoring of dams based on acoustic monitoring, deep neural networks, fuzzy logic and a CUSUM control algorithm
LCSM Ozelim, LPF Borges, ALB Cavalcante, EAC Albuquerque, MS Diniz, ...
Sensors 22 (7), 2482, 2022
Analytical Slope Stability Analysis Based on Statistical Characterization of Soil Primary Properties
LCSM Ozelim, ALB Cavalcante, A Pacheco de Assis, LFM Ribeiro
International Journal of Geomechanics 15 (2), 06014018, 2015
Continuum versus discrete: A physically interpretable general rule for cellular automata by means of modular arithmetic
LCSM Ozelim, ALB Cavalcante, LPF Borges
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.2556, 2012
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Artigos 1–20