Lucas Avanço
Cited by
Cited by
NILC_USP: An improved hybrid system for sentiment analysis in twitter messages
P Balage Filho, L Avanço, T Pardo, MGV Nunes
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2014
Lexicon-based sentiment analysis for reviews of products in Brazilian Portuguese
LV Avanco, MGV Nunes
2014 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 277-281, 2014
A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words.
N Hartmann, L Avanço, PP Balage Filho, MS Duran, MDGV Nunes, ...
LREC, 3865-3871, 2014
Some issues on the normalization of a corpus of products reviews in Portuguese
MS Duran, L Avanço, S Aluísio, T Pardo, MGV Nunes
Proceedings of the 9th Web as Corpus Workshop (WaC-9), 22-28, 2014
A normalizer for ugc in brazilian portuguese
MS Duran, MGV Nunes, L Avanço
Proceedings of the Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text, 38-47, 2015
Evaluating phonetic spellers for user-generated content in Brazilian Portuguese
GA de Mendonça Almeida, L Avanço, MS Duran, ER Fonseca, ...
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 12th International …, 2016
Sobre normalizaçao e classificaçao de polaridade de textos opinativos na web
LV Avanço
Universidade de São Paulo, 2015
Improving opinion classifiers by combining different methods and resources
LV Avanço, HB Brum, MGV Nunes
Anais, 2016
A importância dos falsos homógrafos para a correçao automática de erros ortográficos em Português
MS Duran, LV Avanço, MGV Nunes
Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana (STIL …, 2015
A qualitative analysis of a corpus of opinion summaries based on aspects
RL Condori, T Pardo, L Avanço, P Balage Filho, A Bokan, P Cardoso, ...
Proceedings of the 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 62-71, 2015
Towards a phonetic Brazilian Portuguese spell checker
LV Avanço, MS Duran, MGV Nunes
Annotating translation errors in Brazilian Portuguese automatically translated sentences: first step to automatic post-edition
J Martins, L Vinicius, M das Graças, V Nunes, H de Medeiros
Corpus Linguistics 2013, 189, 2013
Blip Copilot: a smart conversational assistant
EB Fonseca, T Soares, D Baptista, R Damas, L Avanço
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Processing …, 2024
Métodos de pós-edição automática aplicados à tradução automática estatística Inglês-Português
LV Avanço, MGV Nunes
Proceedings, 2013
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Articles 1–14