Javier Rubio
Cited by
Cited by
Modified optimal control with a backpropagation network for robotic arms
JJ Rubio
IET Control Theory & Applications 6 (14), 2216, 2012
Joint optimization of power and data transfer in multiuser MIMO systems
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte, DP Palomar, A Goldsmith
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (1), 212-227, 2016
A novel recurrent neural network soft sensor via a differential evolution training algorithm for the tire contact patch
CA Duchanoy, MA Moreno-Armendáriz, L Urbina, CA Cruz-Villar, H Calvo, ...
Neurocomputing 235, 71-82, 2017
Lipophilicity of amphoteric and zwitterionic compounds: A comparative study of determination methods
C Ràfols, X Subirats, J Rubio, M Rosés, E Bosch
Talanta 162, 293-299, 2017
Assessment of an average tracking controller that considers all the subsystems involved in a WMR: Implementation via PWM or sigma-delta modulation
JRG Sanchez, ST Mosqueda, RS Ortigoza, MA Cruz, GS Ortigoza, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (3), 1093-1102, 2016
Energy-aware broadcast multiuser-MIMO precoder design with imperfect channel and battery knowledge
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 13 (6), 3137-3152, 2014
Energy-efficient resource allocation techniques for battery management with energy harvesting nodes: a practical approach
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte, M Payaró
European wireless 2013; 19th European wireless conference, 1-6, 2013
Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in multiuser MIMO systems
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2755-2760, 2013
User association for load balancing in heterogeneous networks powered with energy harvesting sources
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte, J del Olmo, J Vidal
2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1248-1253, 2014
Characterisation framework for epileptic signals
DM Vazquez, JJ Rubio, J Pacheco
IET Image Processing 6 (9), 1227, 2012
Comparison of four mathematical models for braking of a motorcycle
JJ Rubio, C Torres, R Rivera, CA Hernandez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 9 (5), 630-637, 2011
Control para estabilizar y atenuar las perturbaciones en un péndulo invertido rotatorio
J Rubio, M Figueroa, JH Pérez Cruz, J Yoe Rumbo
Revista mexicana de física E 58 (2), 107-112, 2012
Kinematics for the SCARA and the Cylindrical Manipulators
V Hernández, G Bravo, J Rubio, J Pacheco
ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications 2 (2), 421-425, 2011
Comparison between adiabatic and nonadiabatic absorption chillers using ammonia-lithium nitrate and water-lithium bromide solutions
A Zacarias, JA Quiroz, GL Gutiérrez-Urueta, M Venegas, I Carvajal, ...
Heat Transfer Research 51 (7), 2020
General controllability and observability tests for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems
JA Meda-Campaña, J de J. Rubio, C Aguilar-Ibañez, R Tapia-Herrera, ...
Evolving Systems 11, 349-358, 2020
A stochastic approach for resource allocation with backhaul and energy harvesting constraints
J Rubio, O Munoz, A Pascual-Iserte
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (7), 5788-5797, 2015
Dynamic base station switch on/off strategies for sustainable wireless networks
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte, J del Olmo Alòs, J Vidal
2014 IEEE 15th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2014
SWIPT techniques for multiuser MIMO broadcast systems
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte, DP Palomar, A Goldsmith
2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2016
Harvesting management in multiuser mimo systems with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
J Rubio, A Pascual-Iserte
2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2015
Recursive least squares for a manipulator which learns by demonstration
JJ Rubio, E Garcia, G Aquino, C Aguilar-Ibañez, J Pacheco, ...
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, 1-12, 2018
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Articles 1–20