Marcia Puñales
Marcia Puñales
Endocrinologista Pediátrica do Instituto da Criança com Diabetes, Supervisora do Programa de
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RET Codon 634 Mutations in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2: Variable Clinical Features and Clinical Outcome
MK Puñales, H Graf, JL Gross, AL Maia
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 88 (6), 2644-2649, 2003
Time in range: a new parameter to evaluate blood glucose control in patients with diabetes
MAL Gabbay, M Rodacki, LE Calliari, AGD Vianna, M Krakauer, MS Pinto, ...
Diabetology & metabolic syndrome 12, 1-8, 2020
Endothelial dysfunction as a predictor of cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes
MC Bertoluci, GV Cé, AMV da Silva, MV Wainstein, W Boff, M Puñales
World journal of diabetes 6 (5), 679, 2015
Normal perioperative serum calcitonin levels in patients with advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma: case report and review of the literature
JM Dora, MHB da Silva Canalli, C Capp, MK Punales, JGH Vieira, ...
Thyroid 18 (8), 895-899, 2008
MicroRNA expression profile in plasma from type 1 diabetic patients: Case-control study and bioinformatic analysis
TS Assmann, M Recamonde-Mendoza, M Punales, B Tschiedel, ...
Diabetes research and clinical practice 141, 35-46, 2018
Superior effects of high-intensity interval vs. moderate-intensity continuous training on endothelial function and cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with type 1 diabetes: a …
W Boff, AM da Silva, JB Farinha, J Rodrigues-Krause, A Reischak-Oliveira, ...
Frontiers in physiology 10, 450, 2019
Circulating miRNAs in diabetic kidney disease: case–control study and in silico analyses
TS Assmann, M Recamonde-Mendoza, AR Costa, M Puñales, ...
Acta diabetologica 56, 55-65, 2019
Clinical and oncological features of children and young adults with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A
MKC Punales, AP da Rocha, C Meotti, JL Gross, AL Maia
Thyroid 18 (12), 1261-1268, 2008
The RET polymorphic allele S836S is associated with early metastatic disease in patients with hereditary or sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma
DR Siqueira, M Romitti, AP da Rocha, L Ceolin, C Meotti, A Estivalet, ...
Endocrine-related cancer 17 (4), 953-963, 2010
MEN 2A-related cutaneous lichen amyloidosis: report of three kindred and systematic literature review of clinical, biochemical and molecular characteristics
JO Scapineli, L Ceolin, MK Puñales, JM Dora, AL Maia
Familial cancer 15, 625-633, 2016
Telemedicine and COVID‐19 pandemic: The perfect storm to mark a change in diabetes care. Results from a world‐wide cross‐sectional web‐based survey
E Giani, K Dovc, TJ Dos Santos, A Chobot, K Braune, ...
Pediatric Diabetes 22 (8), 1115-1119, 2021
Dynamic risk stratification in the follow-up of children and adolescents with differentiated thyroid cancer
AB Zanella, RS Scheffel, CF Nava, L Golbert, E Laurini de Souza Meyer, ...
Thyroid 28 (10), 1285-1292, 2018
Organização de um serviço de assistência ao paciente com diabetes melito tipo 1
B Tschiedel, GV Cé, C Geremia, P Mondadori, S Speggiorin, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 52, 219-232, 2008
Molecular analyses of the vasopressin type 2 receptor and aquaporin‐2 genes in Brazilian kindreds with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
JL Rocha, E Friedman, W Boson, A Moreira, B Figueiredo, B Liberman, ...
Human mutation 14 (3), 233-239, 1999
Carcinoma medular de tireóide: aspectos moleculares, clínico-oncológicos e terapêuticos
MK Puñales, AP Rocha, JL Gross, AL Maia
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 48, 137-146, 2004
Health-related quality of life and utility values associated to hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus treated in the Brazilian Public Health System: a …
L Bahia, R Kupfer, D Momesso, DAP Cabral, B Tschiedel, M Puñales, ...
Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 9, 1-5, 2017
Disfunção endotelial no diabetes melito tipo 1
MC Bertoluci, GV Cé, AMV Silva, MKC Puñales
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 52, 416-426, 2008
Rastreamento genético do carcinoma medular de tireóide: identificação de mutações no proto-oncogene RET
MK Puñales, H Graf, JL Gross, AL Maia
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 46, 632-639, 2002
Prevalence of celiac disease in a large cohort of young patients with type 1 diabetes
M Puñales, MD Bastos, ARL Ramos, RB Pinto, EA Ott, V Provenzi, ...
Pediatric Diabetes 20 (4), 414-420, 2019
Endothelial dysfunction in type 1 diabetes
MC Bertoluci, GV Ce, AMV Silva, MKC Punales
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 52, 416-426, 2008
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