Luis D.C. Ramalho
Luis D.C. Ramalho
Invited Adjunct Professor
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Static strength prediction of adhesive joints: A review
LDC Ramalho, RDSG Campilho, J Belinha, LFM da Silva
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 96, 102451, 2020
The numerical simulation of crack propagation using radial point interpolation meshless methods
LDC Ramalho, J Belinha, R Campilho
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 109, 187-198, 2019
Numerical analysis of the dynamic behaviour of adhesive joints: A review
LDC Ramalho, IJ Sánchez-Arce, DC Gonçalves, J Belinha, R Campilho
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 118, 103219, 2022
Single lap joint strength prediction using the radial point interpolation method and the critical longitudinal strain criterion
LDC Ramalho, R Campilho, J Belinha
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 113, 268-276, 2020
Predicting single-lap joint strength using the natural neighbour radial point interpolation method
LDC Ramalho, R Campilho, J Belinha
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 41, 1-11, 2019
Fracture mechanics approach to stress singularities in composite adhesive joints
JMM Dionísio, LDC Ramalho, IJ Sánchez-Arce, R Campilho, J Belinha
Composite Structures 276, 114507, 2021
Material non-linearity in the numerical analysis of SLJ bonded with ductile adhesives: A meshless approach
IJ Sánchez-Arce, LDC Ramalho, R Campilho, J Belinha
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 104, 102716, 2021
Fracture mechanics approach to stress singularity in adhesive joints
JMM Dionísio, LDC Ramalho, IJ Sánchez-Arce, R Campilho, J Belinha
International Journal of Fracture 232, 77-91, 2021
A new crack propagation algorithm combined with the finite element method
LDC Ramalho, J Belinha, R Campilho
Journal of Mechanics 36 (4), 405-422, 2020
Analysis of stress singularity in adhesive joints using meshless methods
LDC Ramalho, JMM Dionísio, IJ Sánchez-Arce, R Campilho, J Belinha
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 137, 29-40, 2022
Parametric study of composite curved adhesive joints
JMC Correia, R Campilho, RJB Rocha, Y Liu, LDC Ramalho
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 111, 2957-2970, 2020
A new structural two-component epoxy adhesive: Strength and fracture characterization
MG Cardoso, JEC Pinto, R Campilho, P Nóvoa, FJG Silva, LDC Ramalho
Procedia Manufacturing 51, 771-778, 2020
Meshless analysis of the stress singularity in composite adhesive joints
LDC Ramalho, JMM Dionísio, IJ Sánchez-Arce, R Campilho, J Belinha
Composite Structures 280, 114910, 2022
Fracture propagation using the radial point interpolation method
LDC Ramalho, J Belinha, RDSG Campilho
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 43 (1), 77-91, 2020
Elasto-plastic adhesive joint design approach by a radial point interpolation meshless method
RFP Resende, BFP Resende, IJ Sanchez Arce, LDC Ramalho, ...
The Journal of Adhesion 98 (15), 2396-2422, 2022
Introductory application of a natural neighbour meshless elastic formulation to double-lap adhesive joints
DC Gonçalves, IJ Sánchez-Arce, LDC Ramalho, RDSG Campilho, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 44 …, 2022
Evaluation of an elastic meshless formulation to adhesive joints’ strength prediction against established methods
IJ Sánchez-Arce, LDC Ramalho, R Campilho, J Belinha
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 34 (11), 1206-1232, 2020
Fracture propagation based on meshless method and energy release rate criterion extended to the Double Cantilever Beam adhesive joint test
DC Gonçalves, IJ Sánchez-Arce, LDC Ramalho, R Campilho, J Belinha
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 122, 103577, 2022
Strength prediction of composite single lap joints using the critical longitudinal strain criterion and a meshless method
LDC Ramalho, IJ Sánchez-Arce, RDSG Campilho, J Belinha
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 108, 102884, 2021
Strength prediction and stress analysis of adhesively bonded composite joints using meshless methods
LDC Ramalho, IJ Sánchez-Arce, R Campilho, J Belinha, FJG Silva
Procedia Manufacturing 51, 904-911, 2020
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