Santiago Marquez Damian
Santiago Marquez Damian
Research fellow at CIMEC-CONICET/UNL
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Cited by
An extended mixture model for the simultaneous treatment of small‐scale and large‐scale interfaces
S Márquez Damián, NM Nigro
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 75 (8), 547-574, 2014
Description and utilization of interFoam multiphase solver
SM Damian
International Center for Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-64, 2012
Numerical simulation of natural convection phenomena
SF Corzo, S Márquez Damián, D Ramajo, NM Nigro
Mecánica Computacional 30 (4), 277-296, 2011
Conservative handling of arbitrary non-conformal interfaces using an efficient supermesh
HJ Aguerre, SM Damián, JM Gimenez, NM Nigro
Journal of Computational Physics 335, 21-49, 2017
Mesh resolution effects on primary atomization simulations
CI Pairetti, SM Damian, NM Nigro, S Popinet, S Zaleski
Atomization and Sprays 30 (12), 2020
Modeling of compressible fluid problems with openfoam using dynamic mesh technology
HJ Aguerre, S Marquez Damian, JM Gimenez, NM Nigro
Mecánica Computacional 32, 955-1011, 2013
An oscillation-free flow solver based on flux reconstruction
HJ Aguerre, CI Pairetti, CM Venier, SM Damián, NM Nigro
Journal of Computational Physics 365, 135-148, 2018
Numerical aspects of Eulerian gas–particles flow formulations
CM Venier, SM Damian, NM Nigro
Computers & Fluids 133, 151-169, 2016
A SIMPLE-based algorithm with enhanced velocity corrections: The COMPLEX method
HJ Aguerre, CM Venier, CI Pairetti, SM Damián, NM Nigro
Computers & Fluids 198, 104396, 2020
Residence time distribution determination of a continuous stirred tank reactor using computational fluid dynamics and its application on the mathematical modeling of styrene …
IL Gamba, S Marquez Damian, DA Estenoz, N Nigro, MA Storti, ...
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 10 (1), 2012
On the stability analysis of the PISO algorithm on collocated grids
CM Venier, CI Pairetti, SM Damian, NM Nigro
Computers & Fluids 147, 25-40, 2017
Open-source toolbox for electromigrative separations
SM Damián, F Schaumburg, PA Kler
Computer Physics Communications 237, 244-252, 2019
An extended mixture model for the simultaneous treatment of short and long scale interfaces
S Márquez Damián
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, 2013
Numerical investigation of bund overtopping under storage tank failure events
DE Ramajo, SF Corzo, SM Damian, JM Gimenez, NM Nigro
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 52, 113-124, 2018
Comparison of single phase laminar and large eddy simulation (les) solvers using the openfoam suite
SM Damián, NM Nigro
Mecánica Computacional 29 (37), 3721-3740, 2010
gdbOF: A debugging tool for OpenFOAM®
SM Damián, JM Giménez, NM Nigro
Advances in Engineering Software 47 (1), 17-23, 2012
Flow study and wetting efficiency of a perforated-plate tray distributor in a trickle bed reactor
DE Ramajo, S Marquez Damian, M Raviculé, MM Monsalvo, M Storti, ...
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 8 (1), 2010
Bag mode breakup simulations of a single liquid droplet
CI Pairetti, S Popinet, SM Damián, N Nigro, S Zaleski
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2018
Assessment of gas-particle flow models for pseudo-2D fluidized bed applications
CM Venier, S Marquez Damian, NM Nigro
Chemical Engineering Communications 205 (4), 456-478, 2018
Numerical simulations of paper‐based electrophoretic separations with open‐source tools
GS Gerlero, S Marquez Damian, F Schaumburg, N Franck, PA Kler
Electrophoresis 42 (16), 1543-1551, 2021
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Articles 1–20