Ana Cristina Costa
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Homogenization of climate data: review and new perspectives using geostatistics
AC Costa, A Soares
Mathematical geosciences 41, 291-305, 2009
Trends in extreme precipitation indices derived from a daily rainfall database for the South of Portugal
AC Costa, A Soares
International Journal of Climatology 29 (13), 1956-1975, 2009
Geospatial analysis of extreme weather events in Nigeria (1985–2015) using self‐organizing maps
A Akande, AC Costa, J Mateu, R Henriques
Advances in Meteorology 2017 (1), 8576150, 2017
Climate change scenarios for precipitation extremes in Portugal
AC Costa, JA Santos, JG Pinto
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 108 (1-2), 217-234, 2012
Ranking European capitals by exposure to heat waves and cold waves
M Smid, S Russo, AC Costa, C Granell, E Pebesma
Urban Climate 27, 388-402, 2019
Climate projections and downscaling techniques: a discussion for impact studies in urban systems
M Šmid, AC Costa
International Journal of Urban Sciences, …, 2017
Review and discussion of homogenisation methods for climate data
S Ribeiro, J Caineta, AC Costa
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 94, 167-179, 2016
Spatial–temporal dynamics of precipitation extremes in southern Portugal: a geostatistical assessment study
RM Durão, MJ Pereira, AC Costa, J Delgado, G Del Barrio, A Soares
International Journal of Climatology 30 (10), 1526-1537, 2010
Local spatiotemporal dynamics of a simple aridity index in a region susceptible to desertification
AC Costa, A Soares
Journal of Arid Environments 87, 8-18, 2012
Using stochastic space-time models to map extreme precipitation in southern Portugal
AC Costa, R Durão, MJ Pereira, A Soares
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8 (4), 763-773, 2008
Local patterns and trends of the Standard Precipitation Index in southern Portugal (1940–1999)
AC Costa
Advances in Geosciences 30 (30), 11-16, 2011
Identification of inhomogeneities in precipitation time series using stochastic simulation
AC Costa, J Negreiros, A Soares
geoENV VI–Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Springer, Berlin …, 2008
Environment-aware regression for indoor localization based on WiFi fingerprinting
GM Mendoza-Silva, AC Costa, J Torres-Sospedra, M Painho, J Huerta
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (6), 4978-4988, 2022
Indices of precipitation extremes in Southern Portugal-a geostatistical approach.
R Durão, MJ Pereira, AC Costa, JM Côrte-Real, A Soares
Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences 9 (1), 2009
A spatiotemporal analysis of droughts and the influence of North Atlantic Oscillation in the Iberian Peninsula based on MODIS imagery
S Mühlbauer, AC Costa, M Caetano
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 124 (3-4), 703-721, 2016
Tailored algorithms for anomaly detection in photovoltaic systems
P Branco, F Gonçalves, AC Costa
Energies 13 (1), 225, 2020
Representativeness impacts on accuracy and precision of climate spatial interpolation in data‐scarce regions
AK Bhowmik, AC Costa
Meteorological Applications 22 (3), 368-377, 2015
The evolution of population distribution on the Iberian Peninsula: a transnational approach (1877–2001)
LE Silveira, D Alves, M Painho, AC Costa, A Alcântara
Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History …, 2013
A Geostatistical Approach to the Seasonal Precipitation Effect on Boro Rice Production in Bangladesh
AK Bhowmik, AC Costa
International Journal of Geosciences 3 (3), 443-462, 2012
Comparison of different interpolation techniques to map temperature in the southern region of Eritrea
MG Tewolde, TA Beza, AC Costa, M Painho
Proceedings of the 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic …, 2010
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