Amin Bassrei
Amin Bassrei
Professor of Geophysics
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L-and Θ-curve approaches for the selection of regularization parameter in geophysical diffraction tomography
ETF Santos, A Bassrei
Computers & Geosciences 33 (5), 618-629, 2007
Optimization of non-linear gravity models through generalized simulated annealing
KC Mundim, TJ Lemaire, A Bassrei
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 252 (3-4), 405-416, 1998
Minimum Relative Entropy Inversion of 1d Data with APPLICATIONS1
T Ulrych, A Bassrei, M Lane
Geophysical prospecting 38 (5), 465-487, 1990
Regularization parameter selection in the 3D gravity inversion of the basement relief using GCV: A parallel approach
OF Mojica, A Bassrei
Computers & geosciences 82, 205-213, 2015
Regularization and inversion of linear geophysical data
A Bassrei, W Rodi
3rd International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, cp-324-00025, 1993
Evaluation of L-Curve and Theta-Curve approaches for the selection of regularization parameters in anisotropic traveltime tomography
ETF Santos, A Bassrei, JC Costa
Journal of Seismic Exploration 15 (3), 245, 2006
A simple matrix formulation diffraction tomography algorithm
AA Rocha Filho, JM Harris, A Bassrei
39th Brazilian Congress of Geology, Salvador, Brazil 2, 312-315, 1996
Critérios de seleção de valores singulares em problemas inversos lineares: uma aplicação em tomografia de tempos de trânsito
JNP Silva, A Bassrei
Sitientibus Série Ciências Físicas 3, 32-48, 2007
Inversion of seismic data by a relative entropy algorithm
A Bassrei
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1990, 1111-1114, 1990
Inversion of satellite gravimetric data from recôncavo-tucano-jatobá basin system
TP Bessoni, A Bassrei, LGS Oliveira
Brazilian Journal of Geology 50, e20190113, 2020
Application of GCV in geophysical difraction tomography
ETF Santos, A Bassrei
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, 2007
Three-dimensional reconstruction of dielectric objects by the coupled-dipole method
TJ Lemaire, A Bassrei
Applied Optics 39 (8), 1272-1278, 2000
Regularization and inversion of 2-D gravity data
A Bassrei
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1993, 405-409, 1993
Inversao de dados geofısicos unidimensionais através da entropia relativa mınima
A Bassrei
Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil, 1990
Conjugate gradient method for the solution of inverse problems: Application in linear seismic tomography
TEB Brufati, SP Oliveira, A Bassrei
TEMA (São Carlos) 16 (3), 185-194, 2015
Aplicação da tomografia de tempos de trânsito a dados do campo de Miranga, bacia do Recôncavo
VHS Reis Rodrigues, A Bassrei
14th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2015
Application of the generalized simulated annealing algorithm to the solution of 2d gravity inversion of basement relief
OF Mojica, A Bassrei
3rd Latin American Geosciences Student Conference 2015 (1), 1-3, 2015
Application of the L-curve in seismic traveltime tomography: methodologies for the extraction of the optimal regularization parameter
FA Terra, A Bassrei, ETF Santos
Cadernos de Geociências 11 (1-2), 61-71, 2014
Trigonal meshes in diffraction tomography with optimum regularization: an application for carbon sequestration monitoring
ETF Santos, JM Harris, A Bassrei, JC Costa
Journal of Seismic Exploration 18, 135-156, 2009
Inversion of seismic data by a generalized maximum entropy method
A Bassrei, JH Quezada
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2001, 744-747, 2001
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Articles 1–20