Bernardo Assumpção de Monaco
Bernardo Assumpção de Monaco
Fellow - Pediatric Neurosurgery - Washington University in St. Louis
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Motor cortex stimulation for chronic neuropathic pain: results of a double-blind randomized study
C Hamani, ET Fonoff, DC Parravano, VA Silva, R Galhardoni, BA Monaco, ...
Brain 144 (10), 2994-3004, 2021
Spinal cord stimulation for freezing of gait: from bench to bedside
ET Fonoff, AC de Lima-Pardini, DB Coelho, BA Monaco, B Machado, ...
Frontiers in neurology 10, 905, 2019
Surgical treatment of a transorbital penetrating brain injury
WS Paiva, B Monaco, M Prudente, MS Soares, RLO de Amorim, ...
Clinical Ophthalmology, 1103-1105, 2010
Vertebrobasilar artery junction aneurysm associated with fenestration
JE Bentura, EG Figueiredo, BA Monaco, MJ Teixeira
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 68, 312-314, 2010
Quality of life after motor cortex stimulation: clinical results and systematic review of the literature
DC Parravano, DA Ciampi, ET Fonoff, B Monaco, J Navarro, LT Yeng, ...
Neurosurgery 84 (2), 451-456, 2019
Immediate ischemic preconditioning based on somatosensory evoked potentials seems to prevent spinal cord injury following descending thoracic aorta cross-clamping
ISB Contreras, LFP Moreira, G Ballester, BA de Mônaco, CLP Lancellotti, ...
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 28 (2), 274-279, 2005
Celiac plexus neurolysis for the treatment of upper abdominal cancer pain
MJ Teixeira, ER Neto, JCM da Nóbrega, JS Dos Ângelos, MS Martin, ...
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 1209-1212, 2013
Frame-based stereotactic neurosurgery in children under the age of seven: Freiburg University's experience from 99 consecutive cases
LL Furlanetti, BA Monaco, JG Cordeiro, WOC Lopez, M Trippel
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 130, 42-47, 2015
Ischemic preconditioning and spinal cord function monitoring in the descending thoracic aorta approach
BA Mônaco, A Benício, ISB Contreras, LE Mingrone, G Ballester, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 88, 291-296, 2007
The clip-wrap technique in the treatment of intracranial unclippable aneurysms
EG Figueiredo, L Foroni, BA Monaco, MQT Gomes, H Sterman Neto, ...
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 68, 115-118, 2010
Pain relief in CRPS-II after spinal cord and motor cortex simultaneous dual stimulation
WOC Lopez, DC Barbosa, MJ Teixeira, M Paiz, L Moura, BA Monaco, ...
Pain physician, 2016
Comparative study between ischemic preconditioning and cerebrospinal fluid drainage as methods of spinal cord protection in dogs
A Benício, LFP Moreira, BA Mônaco, JB Castelli, LE Mingrone, NAG Stolf
Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 22, 15-23, 2007
Ultrasound-Guided DREZotomy
BA Monaco, AJM Lopes, MJ Teixeira
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 97 (2), 127-131, 2019
Caudal zona incerta/vop radiofrequency lesioning guided by combined stereotactic mri and microelectrode recording for posttraumatic midbrain resting-kinetic tremor
WOC Lopez, AR Azevedo, RG Cury, F Alencar, IS Neville, PR Reis, ...
World Neurosurgery 86, 316-320, 2016
Intrathecal morphine therapy in the management of status dystonicus in neurodegeneration brain iron accumulation type 1
WOC Lopez, H Kluge Schroeder, I Santana Neville, M Jacobsen Teixeira, ...
Pediatric Neurosurgery 50 (2), 94-98, 2015
Does the use of DuraSeal in head and spinal surgeries reduce the risk of cerebrospinal fluid leaks and complications when compared to conventional methods of dura mater closure?
L Bernardo, WM Bernardo, EBS Shu, LM Roz, CC Almeida, BA Monaco, ...
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 58, 402-403, 2012
Pediatric intrinsic brainstem lesions: clinical, imaging, histological characterization, and predictors of survival
BA Morais, DJF Solla, H Matushita, MJ Teixeira, BA Monaco
Child's Nervous System 36, 933-939, 2020
Spontaneous disappearance of cerebral convexity arachnoid cyst
H Matushita, DD Cardeal, B Monaco
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 70, 473-474, 2012
Review of spinal cord stimulation for disorders of consciousness
GS Piedade, BA de Monaco, JD Guest, JG Cordeiro
Current opinion in neurology 36 (6), 507-515, 2023
Robotic-assisted stereotactic percutaneous balloon compression for trigeminal neuralgia treatment
JG Cordeiro, BA de Monaco, CB Theodotou, E Luther, CG Benjamin, ...
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 221, 107412, 2022
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