Alexandre V. Palaoro
Alexandre V. Palaoro
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Niche conservatism and the potential for the crayfish Procambarus clarkii to invade South America
AV Palaoro, MM Dalosto, GC Costa, S Santos
Freshwater Biology 58 (7), 1379-1391, 2013
Weaponry and defenses in fighting animals: how allometry can alter predictions from contest theory
AV Palaoro, M Briffa
Behavioral Ecology 28 (1), 328-336, 2017
The longer the better: evidence that narwhal tusks are sexually selected
ZA Graham, E Garde, MP Heide-Jørgensen, AV Palaoro
Biology letters 16 (3), 20190950, 2020
All by myself? Meta‐analysis of animal contests shows stronger support for self than for mutual assessment models
NS Pinto, AV Palaoro, PEC Peixoto
Biological Reviews 94 (4), 1430-1442, 2019
Freshwater decapod (Aegla longirostri) uses a mixed assessment strategy to resolve contests
AV Palaoro, MM Dalosto, JR Costa, S Santos
Animal Behaviour 95, 71-79, 2014
Modulation of male aggressiveness through different communication pathways
AV Palaoro, L Ayres-Peres, S Santos
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 1-10, 2013
How to deal with a bad neighbor? Strategies of sympatric freshwater decapods (Crustacea) for coexistence
JS Baumart, MM Dalosto, AS Gonçalves, AV Palaoro, S Santos
Hydrobiologia 762, 29-39, 2015
Aggressiveness and life underground: the case of burrowing crayfish
MM Dalosto, AV Palaoro, JR Costa, S Santos
Behaviour, 3-22, 2013
The hidden links between animal weapons, fighting style, and their effect on contest success: A meta‐analysis
AV Palaoro, PEC Peixoto
Biological Reviews 97 (5), 1948-1966, 2022
Fight intensity correlates with stronger and more mechanically efficient weapons in three species of Aegla crabs
AV Palaoro, PEC Peixoto, F Benso-Lopes, DS Boligon, S Santos
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74, 1-11, 2020
One step ahead of the enemy: investigating aggressive interactions between invasive and native crayfish before the contact in nature
MM Dalosto, AV Palaoro, C Souty-Grosset, SLS Bueno, TG Loureiro, ...
Biological invasions 17, 3503-3515, 2015
Assessing the importance of burrows through behavioral observations of Parastacus brasiliensis, a Neotropical burrowing crayfish (Crustacea), in laboratory …
AV Palaoro, MM Dalosto, C Coutinho, S Santos
Zoological Studies 52, 1-8, 2013
Mother-offspring relationship in the Neotropical burrowing crayfish Parastacus pilimanus (Von Martens, 1869) (Decapoda, Parastacidae)
MM Dalosto, AV Palaoro, S Santos
Crustaceana 85 (11), 1305-1315, 2012
Pay attention to the ladies: female aggressive behavior and weapon allometry provide clues for sexual selection in freshwater anomurans (Decapoda: Aeglidae)
MM Dalosto, L Ayres-Peres, PB Araujo, S Santos, AV Palaoro
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 1-11, 2019
Population biology of Aegla platensis (Decapoda: Anomura: Aeglidae) in a tributary of the Uruguay River, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
MM Dalosto, AV Palaoro, D Oliveira, É Samuelsson, S Santos
Zoologia (Curitiba) 31, 215-222, 2014
How does environment influence fighting? The effects of tidal flow on resource value and fighting costs in sea anemones
AV Palaoro, M Velasque, S Santos, M Briffa
Biology Letters 13 (5), 20170011, 2017
How variable is agonistic behavior among crab species? A case study on freshwater anomurans (C rustacea: D ecapoda: A eglidae)
L Ayres‐Peres, PB Araujo, CG Jara, AV Palaoro, S Santos
Journal of Zoology 297 (2), 115-122, 2015
Regenerated claws of the virile crayfish Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870) (Decapoda: Astacidea: Cambaridae) generate weaker pinching forces compared to original …
ZA Graham, C Vargas, MJ Angilletta Jr, AV Palaoro
Journal of Crustacean Biology 41 (3), ruab036, 2021
Fighting scars: heavier gladiator frogs bear more injuries than lighter frogs
A Candaten, AG Possenti, ÁA Mainardi, MC da Rocha, AV Palaoro
acta ethologica 23, 39-44, 2020
Function predicts the allometry of contest-related traits, but not sexual or male dimorphism in the amazonian tusked harvestman
AV Palaoro, S García-Hernández, BA Buzatto, G Machado
Evolutionary Ecology 36 (4), 605-630, 2022
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Articles 1–20