Eduardo Sanches Gonçales
Eduardo Sanches Gonçales
Professor Associado do Departamento de Cirurgia, Estomatologia, Patologia e Radiologia da Faculdade
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Pyogenic granuloma on the upper lip: an unusual location
ES Gonçales, JH Damante, CMF Rubira, LAA Taveira
Journal of Applied Oral Science 18, 538-541, 2010
Avaliação das posições dos terceiros molares impactados de acordo com as classificações de Winter e Pell & Gregory em radiografias panorâmicas
CRG Xavier, E Dias-Ribeiro, J Ferreira-Rocha, BG Duarte, ...
Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial 10 (2), 83-90, 2010
Evaluation of the facial soft tissues following surgically assisted maxillary expansion associated with the simple VY suture
ES Gonçales, G Berrentin-Felix, U de Souza Cesar, GL Achja
Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg 17, 89, 2002
Finite element analysis of bone stress after SARPE
DSFR de Assis, TA Xavier, PY Noritomi, ES Gonçales
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 72 (1), 167. e1-167. e7, 2014
Retrospective analysis of the effects of orthognathic surgery on the pharyngeal airway space
ES Gonçales, MAH Duarte, C Palmieri Jr, GM Zakhary, GE Ghali
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 72 (11), 2227-2240, 2014
Computerized cephalometric study of the pharyngeal airway space in patients submitted to orthognathic surgery
ES Gonçales, JF Rocha, AGB Gonçales, RYF Yaedú, E Sant’Ana
Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery 13, 253-258, 2014
Clinical evaluation of the alar base width of patients submitted to surgically assisted maxillary expansion
DSFR de Assis, MAH Duarte, ES Gonçales
Oral and maxillofacial surgery 14, 149-154, 2010
Radiographic study of mandibular third molars: evaluation of the position and root anatomy in Brazilian population
MB da Silva Sampieri, FLP Viana, CL Cardoso, MF Vasconcelos, ...
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 22, 163-168, 2018
Evaluation of opening pattern and bone neoformation at median palatal suture area in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) through cone …
DG Salgueiro, VHLO Rodrigues, V Tieghi Neto, CC Menezes, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 23, 397-404, 2015
Influence of orthognathic surgery on voice fundamental frequency
TM Jorge, AG Brasolotto, ES Gonçales, H Nary Filho, G Berretin-Felix
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20 (1), 161-164, 2009
Avaliação clínica dos procedimentos de expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila (ECAM)
PD Ribeiro Jr, ES Gonçales, PCU Souza, H Nary Filho, JGC Luz
Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial 11, 44-59, 2006
Finite element analysis of stress distribution in anchor teeth in surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion
D De Assis, TA Xavier, PY Noritomi, AGB Gonçales, O Ferreira Jr, ...
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 42 (9), 1093-1099, 2013
Does the relationship between retained mandibular third molar and mandibular angle fracture exist? An assessment of three possible causes
BG Duarte, D Assis, P Ribeiro-Júnior, ES Gonçales
Craniomaxillofacial trauma & reconstruction 5 (3), 127-135, 2012
Periapical radiolucency mimicking an odontogenic cyst
H Nary Filho, MA Matsumoto, SC Fraga, ES Gonçales, F Sérvulo
International Endodontic Journal 37 (5), 337-344, 2004
Central giant cell granuloma: treatment with calcitonin, triamcinolone acetonide, and a cystic finding 3 years and 6 months after the primary treatment
MB da Silva Sampieri, RYF Yaedú, PSS Santos, ES Gonçales, ...
Oral and maxillofacial surgery 17, 229-234, 2013
Auditory characteristics of individuals with temporomandibular dysfunctions and dentofacial deformities
T Totta, G Santiago, ES Gonçales, SO Saes, G Berretin-Felix
Dental press journal of orthodontics 18, 70-77, 2013
Clinical, tomographic aspects and relevance of torus palatinus: case report of two sisters
AS Nogueira, ES Gonçales, PSS Santos, JH Damante, PNB Alencar, ...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 35, 867-871, 2013
Surgical approaches of extensive periapical cyst. Considerations about surgical technique
PD Ribeiro, ES Gonçalves, ES Neto, MR Pacenko
Salusvita 23, 317-28, 2004
Nasomaxillary effects of miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion and two surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion approaches
AS Jesus, CB Oliveira, WH Murata, ES Gonçales, VA Pereira-Filho, ...
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 50 (8), 1059-1068, 2021
Silicone implant for chin augmentation mimicking a low-grade liposarcoma
ES Gonçales, A dos Santos Almeida, S Soares, DT Oliveira
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2009
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Artigos 1–20