Luciana Ruggiero Bachega
Luciana Ruggiero Bachega
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Decomposition of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium leaves and fine roots in tropical conditions did not meet the Home Field Advantage hypothesis
LR Bachega, JP Bouillet, M de Cássia Piccolo, L Saint-André, JM Bouvet, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 359, 33-43, 2016
Tree species effects on topsoil carbon stock and concentration are mediated by tree species type, mycorrhizal association, and N-fixing ability at the global scale
Y Peng, IK Schmidt, H Zheng, P Heděnec, LR Bachega, K Yue, F Wu, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 478, 118510, 2020
Litter quality, mycorrhizal association, and soil properties regulate effects of tree species on the soil fauna community
Y Peng, M Holmstrup, IK Schmidt, A De Schrijver, S Schelfhout, ...
Geoderma 407, 115570, 2022
Tree species identity is the predominant modulator of the effects of soil fauna on leaf litter decomposition
Y Peng, M Holmstrup, IK Schmidt, LR Bachega, S Schelfhout, H Zheng, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 520, 120396, 2022
Different methodological approaches to natural vulnerability to erosion in southeastern Brazil
ACP Carvalho, DP Trevisan, AP Jacó, NAT de Melo, ...
Brazilian Journal of Development 6 (6), 36755-36775, 2020
A tutela jurídica da biodiversidade no Brasil e na Colômbia pós-1992:: considerações e perspectivas atuais
LR Bachega, IB Espíndola, L de Lima Neves, LE Moschini
Sustainability in Debate 8 (1), 141-151, 2017
Evaluation of areas with environmental vulnerability in the Rio Claro hydrographic basin, SP–Brazil
DP Trevisan, ACP Carvalho, AP Jacó, NAT de Melo, ...
Brazilian Journal of Development 6 (7), 53148-53164, 2020
Conhecimentos epistemológicos de professores de biologia a respeito do conceito de vida
LR Bachega, MABS de Andrade, FA Meglhioratti, ...
Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 20-43, 2017
Long-term climate establishes functional legacies by altering microbial traits
CM Broderick, GMN Benucci, LR Bachega, GD Miller, SE Evans, ...
The ISME Journal, wraf005, 2025
Climate history shapes functional composition of soil microbial communities
C Broderick, L Bachega, L Chavez Rodriguez, SD Allison, S Evans, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, B51A-01, 2023
Soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity under elevated CO2 in Central Amazon: how global changes can affect tropical forests belowground
L Bachega, L Lugli
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-8845, 2022
Ecosystem nutrient budget in a Central Amazon forest: the role of nutrient stocks and flows in biogeochemical cycling
P Assis, LF Lugli, I Aleixo, LR Bachega, S Garcia, F Santana, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-13294, 2022
A camada serapilheira-solo em áreas de reflorestamento de matas ciliares
LR Bachega
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2019
Tree species effects on stocks and vertical distribution of soil carbon: Links to mycorrhizal association, soil fauna and soil microbial characteristics.
L Vesterdal, P Hedenec, H Zheng, Y Peng, L Bachega, C Steffens
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Dinâmica da composição química de folhas e raízes de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium durante decomposição
LR Bachega, MC Piccolo, JP Laclau, JP Bouillet
Efeito das espécies na decomposição da serapilheira e na transferência de N entre folhas em plantios mistos de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium
LR Bachega
Universidade de São Paulo, 2012
Decomposição de folhas e raízes de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium em diferentes plantios
LR Bachega, MC Piccolo, JP Laclau, JP Bouillet
Premilinary results on litter decomposition an soil microbial activity in EUcalyptus grandis and Acacia magium plantations: Consistency with the home field advantage theory?
LR Bachega, D Bini, MC Piccolo, EJBN Cardoso, JLM Gonçalves, ...
Proceedings, 2011
Climate History Constrains Global Soil Respiration Responses to Moisture
L Bachega, LC Rodriguez, S Evans, SD Allison, C Hawkes
AGU24, 0
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