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Todd HesterWaymoE-mail confirmado em waymo.com
Daniel J. MankowitzGoogle DeepmindE-mail confirmado em google.com
Olivier PietquinEarth Species Project | ex Google DeepMind (On leave - Professor at University of Lille)E-mail confirmado em univ-lille.fr
Tom SchaulSenior Staff Scientist, DeepMindE-mail confirmado em nyu.edu
Cosmin PaduraruDeepMindE-mail confirmado em google.com
Ludovic DenoyerLead Agent research at H -- Full Professor at Sorbonne Universités on SabaticalE-mail confirmado em ubisoft.com
Patrick GallinariProfessor Sorbonne University / Criteo AI LabE-mail confirmado em sorbonne-universite.fr
Ian OsbandOpenAIE-mail confirmado em openai.com
Mel VecerikDeepMind, University College LondonE-mail confirmado em ucl.ac.uk
Thomas DegrisDeepMindE-mail confirmado em google.com
Hado van HasseltResearch Scientist, DeepMind; Honorary Professor, UCLE-mail confirmado em google.com
Richard EvansResearch Fellow, University of WolverhamptonE-mail confirmado em wlv.ac.uk
Peter SunehagGoogle - DeepMindE-mail confirmado em google.com
Ben CoppinGoogle DeepMindE-mail confirmado em deepmind.com
Nir LevineResearch Engineer at DeepMindE-mail confirmado em google.com
Sven GowalDeepMindE-mail confirmado em deepmind.com
Marc LanctotResearch Scientist, Google DeepMindE-mail confirmado em google.com
Philippe PreuxProfessor of computer science, Université de Lille, LIFL, SequeL, INRIAE-mail confirmado em univ-lille.fr
Jean-Philippe VertOwkin / PSL UniversityE-mail confirmado em owkin.com
Richard EvansResearch Scientist, DeepMindE-mail confirmado em google.com