Factors controlling the survival of coastal dunes during multiple hurricane impacts in 2004 and 2005: Santa Rosa barrier island, Florida V Claudino-Sales, P Wang, MH Horwitz Geomorphology 95 (3-4), 295-315, 2008 | 172 | 2008 |
The effect of climate change on the mobility and stability of coastal sand dunes in Ceará State (NE Brazil) H Tsoar, N Levin, N Porat, LP Maia, HJ Herrmann, SH Tatumi, ... Quaternary Research 71 (2), 217-226, 2009 | 166 | 2009 |
Stepped surfaces and palaeolandforms in the northern Brazilian «Nordeste»: constraints on models of morphotectonic evolution JP Peulvast, V de Claudino Sales Geomorphology 62 (1-2), 89-122, 2004 | 144 | 2004 |
Low post-Cenomanian denudation depths across the Brazilian Northeast: implications for long-term landscape evolution at a transform continental margin JP Peulvast, VC Sales, F Bétard, Y Gunnell Global and Planetary Change 62 (1-2), 39-60, 2008 | 103 | 2008 |
Geografia, sistemas e análise ambiental: abordagem crítica V de Claudino Sales GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online) 8 (2), 125-141, 2004 | 85 | 2004 |
EVOLUÇÃO MORFOESTRUTURAL DO RELEVO DA MARGEM CONTINENTAL DO ESTADO DO CEAR?, NORDESTE DO BRASIL/Evolution morfoestrutural of the relief of the continental edge of the Ceará … V Claudino-Sales Caminhos de Geografia 8 (20), 2007 | 76 | 2007 |
Effect of Hurricane Ivan on coastal dunes of Santa Rosa Barrier Island, Florida: characterized on the basis of pre-and poststorm LIDAR surveys V Claudino-Sales, P Wang, MH Horwitz Journal of Coastal Research 26 (3), 470-484, 2010 | 73 | 2010 |
Dunas e paleodunas eólicas costeiras e interiores PCF Giannini, ML Assine, LM Barbosa, AMF Barreto, AM Carvalho, ... Quaternário do Brasil, 2005 | 64 | 2005 |
Geomorfologia do nordeste setentrional brasileiro: uma proposta de classificação LRF da Costa, RP Maia, LL Barreto, VC de Claudino Sales Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia 21 (1), 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
Geomorfologia do Nordeste: concepções clássicas e atuais acerca das superfícies de aplainamento nordestinas RP Maia, FHR Bezerra, V Claudino-Sales Revista de Geografia 27, 6-19, 2010 | 61 | 2010 |
Modelling the formation of residual dune ridges behind barchan dunes in North‐east Brazil N Levin, H Tsoar, HJ Herrmann, LP Maia, V CLAUDINO‐SALES Sedimentology 56 (6), 1623-1641, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
Caracterização morfopedólogica de uma serra úmida no semi-árido do nordeste brasileiro: o caso do Maciço de Baturité-CE (morphopedological characterization of a humid mountain … F Bétard, JP Peulvast, V Claudino-Sales Mercator 6 (12), 107 a 126-107 a 126, 2007 | 51 | 2007 |
Megageomorfologia do Estado do Ceará: história da paisagem geomorfológica V Claudino-Sales Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2016 | 49 | 2016 |
Os litorais cearenses V CLAUDINO-SALES Ceará: um novo olhar geográfico 2, 387-406, 2005 | 49 | 2005 |
Landforms and neotectonics in the equatorial passive margin of Brazil JP Peulvast, VC Sales, FHR Bezerra, F Betard Geodinamica Acta 19 (1), 51-71, 2006 | 48 | 2006 |
Les littoraux du Ceará. Evolution géomorphologique de la zone côtiére de lEtat du Ceará, Brésil–du long terme au court terme VC Claudino-Sales Thése de Doctorat, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Aplainamento e geodinâmica: revisitando um problema clássico em geomorfologia JP Peulvast, VC Sales Mercator 1 (1), 2002 | 45 | 2002 |
The Holocene Barriers of Maranhão, Piauí and Ceará States, Northeastern Brazil SR Dillenburg, PA Hesp, PA Hesp, LP Maia, V Claudino-Sales Geology and geomorphology of holocene coastal barriers of Brazil, 325-345, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
Dune whitening and inter-dune freshwater ponds in NE Brazil N Levin, H Tsoar, LP Maia, VC Sales, H Herrmann Catena 70 (1), 1-15, 2007 | 40 | 2007 |
Coastal world heritage sites V Claudino-Sales Springer, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |